WW2 on uk politics

  • Created by: maxread
  • Created on: 30-04-19 21:57
pre churchill leader?
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failure of appeasment, norwegian campaign, losses in france leading to dunkirk
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e.g. giving hitler the suddetanland
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norwegian campaign?
britain attempt to push germany out of norway april 1940, collosal disaster prompting his resignation
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DLG- " just go man"
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churchills' deputy?
Clement atlee
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issues he inherited?
BEF trapped in france- dunkirk june after chrich om may, france falls leaving uk and empire vs germany
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churchill strengths?
convinced of success, broadcasted inspirational speeches via radio, formed and held together difficukt us-soviet alliance
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speech quote?
"i have nothing to offer but blood, sweat and toil"
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plaaning for post war UK?
beveridge report (5 evils NHS etc), repair houses destroyed during war
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how had population suffered?
rationing, houses destroyed, lost many family members to conscirption
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1945 election result?
labour 393 majority, tory 210, liberal 12
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reason for this?
tory weakness, labour strength, ghost of dlg
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tory weakness?
had been much uneployment in interwar years under baldwin= dont want aagain, failure of appeasement, lack of prep for war
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Macimillin quote?
"it was not churchill who lost the 945 election, it was the ghost of neville chamberlain"
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ghost of DLG?
had made grand promises of 'land fit for heros', when not delivered upon many fear the remaining government will ac tthe same
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Taylor quote?
"Lloyd George brought ruin to Churchill from the grave"
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labour strength?
shift to left, scoial mobility, public perception, new electorate
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shift to left?
more support for left wing ideology; soviet war contribution shows socialism in goo light, tories also lose seats to independant left wing caniddates
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social mobility?
war broke down class barriers- more accpeting of working class party. Also beleive they may prevent barriers going up again
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public perception of labour?
atlee did good job as deputy pm, Bevin labour minister, morrison home sec shows good leadership
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new electorate?
20% of electorate first time voters
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don't rememebr shortcomingd of previous govs (red scare etc, failure of 29-31 gov), howveer do remeber tory shorcomings of unemployment
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labour desires?
nationalisation (20% success), eastablish welfare state, set up NHS
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failure of appeasment, norwegian campaign, losses in france leading to dunkirk

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norwegian campaign?


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