Urinary tract infection

What is a UTI?
A UTI refers to an infection of any part of the urinary system from kidney to the urethra.
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How is a urinary tract infection caused?
It is caused by bacteria, virus or fungus
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What is the difference between a pyelonephritis, cystitis and urethritis tract infection?
Pyelonephritis is an infection of the kidneys in the upper tract.
Cystitis is infection of the bladder in the lower tract and
Urethritis is infection of the urethra in the lower tract
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What are the common signs and symptoms of a UTI?
-pain or burning sensation when peeing (dysuria)
-needing to pee more often than usual during the night (nocturia)
- cloudy urine
-urgency to pee
-high temperature or very low temperature
-blood in your pee
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What are some risk factors of UTI’s?
-Sexual activity.
-Post menopause.
Conditions that block the urinary tract eg kidney stones.
-Urinary catheters.
-Having a weakened immune system eg those with diabetes.
-Not drinking enough fluids.
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How are UTI’s treated?
-usually with a short term antibiotic eg trimethoprim

In cases of a complicated UTI you may be prescribed a fluroquinolone medicine.

Can take paracetamol for pain and should avoid having sex
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How to prevent UTI’s?
-Drink 2-3 L fluids/day
-Pee every 2-3 hours
-Wipe front to back
-Avoid tight underwear
-Urinate immediately after intercourse
-Take all abx as prescribed
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How is a urinary tract infection caused?


It is caused by bacteria, virus or fungus

Card 3


What is the difference between a pyelonephritis, cystitis and urethritis tract infection?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the common signs and symptoms of a UTI?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are some risk factors of UTI’s?


Preview of the front of card 5
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