UTI and infection

  • Created by: mmeek01
  • Created on: 19-10-22 15:01
What is Dysuria
(Signs and Symptoms)
Painful urination (dysuria) is discomfort or burning when urinating.
Dysuria is 1 of the 3 key diagnostic signs and symptoms of UTI in women
aged under 65 years without a catheter
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what is nocturia
(Signs and Symptoms)
Nocturia is passing more urine than usual at night. New nocturia is 1 of the 3 key diagnostic signs and symptoms of UTI in
women under 65 years without a catheter (along with dysuria and cloudy-
looking urine).
New nocturia may be a sign of other problem
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Along with dysuria and nocturia, what is the other key symptom that could indicate a UTI
(Signs and Symptoms)
Cloudy-looking urine is 1 of the 3 key diagnostic signs/symptoms of UTI in
women under 65 years without a catheter (along with dysuria and new
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On assessment, where abouts is flank pain?
(Signs and Symptoms)
Flank pain is a pain in one side of the body between the upper abdomen, sides, and back.
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What can flank pain be a sign off
(Signs and Symptoms)
Can be a sign of a kidney problem - many organs are in this area, other causes
are possible. Flank pain and fever, chills, blood in the urine, or frequent or
urgent urination, then a kidney problem is the likely cause. It could also be a
sign of kidney
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What other signs and symptoms could indicate a UTI?
(Signs and Symptoms)
1. Fever
2. Visible hematoma (blood in the urine)
3. urgency and frequency to urinate
4. Suprapubic pain or tenderness
5. potential new incontinence
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What other signs and symptoms could potentially be present with a UTI in older people?
(Signs and Symptoms)
Delirium/new confusion.
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What does PINCH ME stand for when assessing other signs of delirium?
(Signs and Symptoms)
PINCH ME mnemonic
other Infection,
poor Nutrition,
poor Hydration,
other Medications,
Environment change
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What other factors can cause a potential UTI
(Signs and Symptoms)
History of recurrent UTI
Post menopause
family history of UTI (mothers)
sexual activity
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What causes dysuria?
(Clinical manifestations)
Results from irritation of the bladder trigone or urethra. Inflammation or stricture
of the urethra causes difficulties starting urination and burning on urinating.
The urine comes in contact with inflamed mucosa – nociceptors and sensory nerves
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What causes the frequency, urgency & incomplete voiding
(Clinical manifestations)
Reduced bladder capacity due to inflammatory oedema causing decreased
compliance and pain due to bladder distension. (Stretching of the bladder with water)
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What causes cloudy urine?
(Clinical manifestations)
Typically comes from discharge of either pus or blood into the urinary tract –
potentially also be a build-up of white blood cells as the body tries to eliminate
invading bacteria
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what causes flank pain?
(Clinical manifestations)
Flank pain is caused by distention of the ureter or renal pelvis or distention of the
renal capsule, due to inflammatory response following infection
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(Microorganisms and infections)
What are microorganisms?
Any organism too small to be seen by the naked eye
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(Microorganisms and infections)
What are Pathogens?
Microorganisms that cause disease
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(Microorganisms and infections)
What is an infection?
The presence of microorganisms causing damage to body tissues
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(Microorganisms and infections)
What is the chain of infection?
Infectious agents
Portal of exit
mode of transmission
portal of entry
susceptible hoist
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(Microorganisms and infections)
What are the different types of infections?
1. bacterial infection
2. viral infection
3. fungal infection
4. parasitic & protozoal infection
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is nocturia
(Signs and Symptoms)


Nocturia is passing more urine than usual at night. New nocturia is 1 of the 3 key diagnostic signs and symptoms of UTI in
women under 65 years without a catheter (along with dysuria and cloudy-
looking urine).
New nocturia may be a sign of other problem

Card 3


Along with dysuria and nocturia, what is the other key symptom that could indicate a UTI
(Signs and Symptoms)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


On assessment, where abouts is flank pain?
(Signs and Symptoms)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What can flank pain be a sign off
(Signs and Symptoms)


Preview of the front of card 5
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