Ulster Crisis

What was the 3rd home Rule Bill in 1912?
It was a measure to give Ireland its own (limited) parliamentary control so it could make laws regarding purely Irish matters (not foreign policy or trade etc) and would still send MPs to Westminster, 42.
1 of 11
Who was John Redmond?
He was the leader of the Irish Nationalists and a FIRM believer in home rule.
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Give three reasons why CON opposed Home Rule.
1. Would undermine the economic strength of Britain and the empire
2. LIBs have no authority to change constitution over an issue not in 1910 elections
3. Supported the cause of the Ulster Unionists
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Why did the first two Home Rule Bills fail?
The first one was defeated in the HoL in 1886 under a CON government. The second one was also defeated in the HoL in 1893.
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Why did Ulster want to stay in the Union?
They felt they were more similar to British cities e.g., Glasgow, and don’t want to heavy taxes to help poor, rural Ireland. They also feel they would lose out socially.
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Who was Edward Carson?
He led the Ulster movement for resisting Home Rule, he led demonstrations, the ulster covenant and encouraged the formation of the Ulster Volunteer Force which smuggled weapons into Ireland.
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What was the Ulster Volunteer force?
It was a Unionist paramilitary group to resist an all-Irish government.
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Why might some criticise Bonar Law’s stance towards the escalation of tension in Ireland?
He offered the Ulster Unionists his support and didn’t take any action to stop the violence. He says there is no level of resistance they can use that he will not support.
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What was the Curragh Mutiny?
The Curragh was a main British army base in Ireland. In 1914, General Gough and 57 Calvary officers with Ulster connections told their commanding officer they would rather resign than enforce Home Rule on Ulster.
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How did the Irish nationalists respond to the actions of Carson’s Unionists?
They formed their own militia (IVF) to enforce Home Rule. They had also managed to smuggle guns and ammunition into Ireland.
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How did the Parliament Act of 1911 contribute to the crisis?
Before 1911, the Ulster Unionists relied on the HoL to veto Home Rule which they now could not. The Liberals have support from the Irish Nationalists and would enforce Home Rule?
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who was John Redmond?


He was the leader of the Irish Nationalists and a FIRM believer in home rule.

Card 3


Give three reasons why CON opposed Home Rule.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why did the first two Home Rule Bills fail?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why did Ulster want to stay in the Union?


Preview of the front of card 5
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