Trade in India questions

Why did India have a weak economy before 1991
India closed economy ,goverment placed large tarrifs on goods imported. Too expensive for locals. Also restricted foreign investment.
1 of 5
What happened in 1991 for the economy to sky rocket
The government liberalised countries economic policies. Reduced tariffs allow FDI . Also received 2.2 billion from the IMF exchange for changes. This increases the amount foreign trade
2 of 5
what are India's biggest imports
oil , gems , electrical goods
3 of 5
what are india's biggest exports
oil , gems, jewelley , vehicles
4 of 5
difference between import and export
import raw material , export manufactered materials, increase wealth of country
5 of 5

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Card 2


What happened in 1991 for the economy to sky rocket


The government liberalised countries economic policies. Reduced tariffs allow FDI . Also received 2.2 billion from the IMF exchange for changes. This increases the amount foreign trade

Card 3


what are India's biggest imports


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Card 4


what are india's biggest exports


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Card 5


difference between import and export


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