The white terror and nationalist china

  • Created by: Phoebe
  • Created on: 15-04-13 15:45
When and what was the white terror plus figure
1927 - climax of GMD attacks against CCP - 5000 executed
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when and what was the august uprising figure why significant
1927 - CCP counterattack led my Mao 'Son of Hunan' rallied peasant army of 10000 but was unsuccessful - significant as ignored USSR to keep united front
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How did the CCP survive the White Terror and what years
The jiangxi soviet 1928-1934
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What was Chiang Kai Sheks plans for China based on
Sun Yatsens 3 princaples of the people nationalism, socialism, democracy
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What had to happen before the 3 principles could happen
3 preliminary stages overthrow of internal and external enemies - political education and teaching of good values - The newly enlightened will contribute to democracy thus allowing 3 principles - transport improved
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What where some reforms Chiang achieved
- Shangai fashion, film industry and stock market became internationally recognized - banks under central control - Civil service modernised - creation of administrative colleges and departments -
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What reforms did Chiang fail
Gambling and drugs brought under control as coperated with Gangs such as green gang who funded government - Failed to alieviate peasant poverty
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How did Chiang try to alleviate peasant poverty
- ending of landlord control - extension of property rights to peasants - protection of peasants against high rents - guarantee of fair prices for agriculture
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Why did Chiang fail at alleviating peasant poverty
Only controlled up to 1/3 of the country at any time
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What was the new life movement
- The restoration of Confucian values - the need to unite and crush the communists - rejection of communism and western capitalism
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Criticisms of new life movement
couldn't abandon capitalism due to reliance on western commercial and financial intrests
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How did Chiang Kai Shek try to tackle foreign interference
Legal section restructured so more control over concession areas - higher imports and export costs
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Failures of removal of foreign interference
- High numbers of troops due to 30th may incident so couldnt physically remove - Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 showed how far from Independence.
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German influence on Nationalist China
- Germany supplied weapons until 1936 - secret police - Chiangs chief adviser HANS VON SEECKT headed a german military mission to china
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Failures of Nationalist China
- Too preoccupied on crushing CCP - Unable to tackle urgent economic and social problems (Peasants) - Removal of foreign interference undermined by Manchuria 1931 - Betrayed morals by cooperating with Gangs - turned to authoritarianism to consolidate
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Failures of Nationalist China
- powerless to prevent famine in 1934-1945 which resulted in the death of 30million
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Successes of Nationalist China
- Arguably overthrew warlords - International recognisition - steps towards workable government and legal system
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Card 2


when and what was the august uprising figure why significant


1927 - CCP counterattack led my Mao 'Son of Hunan' rallied peasant army of 10000 but was unsuccessful - significant as ignored USSR to keep united front

Card 3


How did the CCP survive the White Terror and what years


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Card 4


What was Chiang Kai Sheks plans for China based on


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Card 5


What had to happen before the 3 principles could happen


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