Edexcel AS PE: The Development of Active Leisure and Recreation

  • Created by: Alivia
  • Created on: 19-04-13 16:57
Requirements for participation (4)
(FART) Fitness, Ability, Resources, Time
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Active Leisure
A use of spare time/non-compulsory time, in which you are not sleeping, eating or working that involves physical activity/movement
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The activity used to occupy the leisure time. It is self-determined/relaxing/theraputic/enjoyable
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Reasons for decline in active leisure (6)
Increase in availability of sedentary activites; Perceived obstacles to being active e.g. a lack of time; A lack of fitness; A lack of resources; Ageing population; Lack of ability
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Contemporary Concerns (11)
Obesity; Coronary Heart Disease; Diabetes; High Blood Pressure; High Cholesterol; Metabolic Syndrome; Stress; Ageing Population; Access (Opportunity, Provision); Activity Patterns; Sedentary Lifestyles
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Mass Participation
Makes up the foundation (base level) of the sports participation pyramid. It is the lowest organised level.
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"Sport for All"
3 Strands: Children and youth, adults, elderly; Kick-started again in 1994 (originally began in 1972); Works with sports councils to distribute over £250million; Spin-off programmes include: "What's your Sport?" and "50+ and all to play for"
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Card 2


A use of spare time/non-compulsory time, in which you are not sleeping, eating or working that involves physical activity/movement


Active Leisure

Card 3


The activity used to occupy the leisure time. It is self-determined/relaxing/theraputic/enjoyable


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Card 4


Increase in availability of sedentary activites; Perceived obstacles to being active e.g. a lack of time; A lack of fitness; A lack of resources; Ageing population; Lack of ability


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Card 5


Obesity; Coronary Heart Disease; Diabetes; High Blood Pressure; High Cholesterol; Metabolic Syndrome; Stress; Ageing Population; Access (Opportunity, Provision); Activity Patterns; Sedentary Lifestyles


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