Other questions in this quiz

2. How did the Nationalists become weakened from within?

  • Many top ranking commanders became moles for the communists
  • All of the above
  • Increased Desertion
  • Constant failures damaged morale of infantry

3. Why did Chiang fail in the 'Struggle for Manchuria'?

  • Chiang's administrators took little notice of the local people
  • Communists turned their bases into strongholds
  • All of the above
  • Chiang's forces were 'sucked' into the province and found themselves under counterattack

4. What did the communists do to weaken the Nationalist's superior air power?

  • Torture key pilots into providing the Communists with essential intelligence
  • Destroyed the airstrips
  • Mao authorized communist pilots to repair and use damaged Nationalist planes
  • Received anti-air guns from USSR

5. How many civilians died during the war (including famine and disease)?

  • 10 million
  • 6 million
  • 12 million
  • 8 million


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