The body in motion / Respiratory system

What function does the nasal cavity have?
covered with tiny hairs that collect dust particles
1 of 9
What is the function of the mouth?
where the air is warmed, filtered, and humidified
2 of 9
what is the function of the Pharynx?
is the throat, carries food and air
3 of 9
what is the function of larynx ?
the voice box. Contains vocal cords that produce sound
4 of 9
What is the function of the trachea?
also called the windpipe, is a major airway to the lungs strengthened by cartilage rings
5 of 9
what is the function of the lungs?
made of elastic tissue, plays a role in gas exchange and transports oxygen
6 of 9
what is the function of the bronchus?
two bronchus extend from the trachea, they split into each lung
7 of 9
What is the function of bronchiole ?
continue to divided into branches that link to the alveoli
8 of 9
what is the function of the alveoli?
Elastic thin-walled structured sacs, contains blood and plays a major role in gaseous exchange.
9 of 9

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Card 2


What is the function of the mouth?


where the air is warmed, filtered, and humidified

Card 3


what is the function of the Pharynx?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the function of larynx ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the function of the trachea?


Preview of the front of card 5
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