Terminology Audience

  • Created by: tomlpugh
  • Created on: 12-05-17 12:49

1. Mulvey’s Theory

  • narrative theory suggests that all narratives follow a three part structure where they begin with equilibrium, where everything is balanced, progress as something comes along to disrupt that equilibrium, and finally reach a resolution, when equilibri
  • Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema was an essay. An essay which coined the term “Male Gaze” which soon went on to become a very well know and discussed theory. In film, the male gaze occurs when the audience is put into the
  • Enigma codes - anything that sets up a question in the narrative (leads us to question what is going on), this could be a character / prop / location / storyline for example.
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2. Levi-Strauss Theory is

  • Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema was an essay written by Laura Mulvey. An essay which coined the term “Male Gaze” which soon went on to become a very well know and discussed theory. In film, the male gaze occurs when the audience is put into the
  • Meanings, including narrative, depend on binary oppositions - he explores there in terms of underlying typical themes rather than events. Conflict helps to drive the narrative. Examples Hero vs Villain, Good vs Bad, West vs East
  • implicit in what the most widespread assumption about entertainment, namely, that it provides 'escape.' These 3 reasons are are generated by reality. The consumption of media provides audiences with a 'utopian solution.'

3. Mode of Address is

  • subsequent to or coming later than that which is modern.
  • simply means how the text speaks to the audience, and involves them. It also refers to how a text influences the audience. Direct mode of address: The model looks directly at the audience, or the writing speaks to 'you'.
  • (especially of a film or television plot) having a striking and easily communicable idea.

4. Dyers Utopian Theory is

  • implicit in what the most widespread assumption about entertainment, namely, that it provides 'escape.' These 3 reasons are are generated by reality. The consumption of media provides audiences with a 'utopian solution.'
  • theory suggests that all narratives follow a three part structure where they begin with equilibrium, where everything is balanced, progress as something comes along to disrupt that equilibrium, and finally reach a resolution, when equilibrium is rest
  • heory about characters and actions as narrative functions; they provide a structure for the text. Examples - The hero, the villain, the donor, the dispatcher, The false hero, The helper, The princess & Her father

5. Mainstreamers is

  • These are people who already have status and control and have nothing to prove. They prefer brands that are serious and reliable and believe that they deserver the best.
  • These make up 40% of the population. They like security, tried and trusted brands and like to think they belong to a group of like minded people. They like value for money and are less likely to take risks,
  • This group are defined by their self-esteem and self-fulfilment. They tend to be innovative and are less impressed by status. They are not materialistic and are socially aware. They may be more inclined to buy brands that are environmentally friendly


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