NME case study information

What is NME?
New Musical Express was a weekly newspaper A3 tabloid format published in 1952,
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Time Inc, or formerly known as IPC media is a conglomerate (American mass media company) which dominates the music and film industry.
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Horizontal expansion?
A merger between Melody Maker and NME occurred in 2000 in order to strengthen the music press industry. As a result a new glossy cover, colour pages, permanent ink was introduced for a more magazine friendly template.
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Vertical expansion?
In 1981 a merger between Rough Trade records and NME produced a free cassette C81 showcasting upcoming indie bands, links to synergy because it had NME branded on it.
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Cross media convergence?
Reader can download music in the "Tracks" section on their website at the bottom of each reviews which will divert them to HMV and/or Virgin's site. NME receive an economic benefit as they get ad revenue from the other companies who pay to advertise.
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Diagonal expansion?
NME awards sponsored by V05, hosted at o2 academy in Brixton, been around for 64 years. Which is broadcasted on the app and online/website.
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One of the first music publications to introduce a website in 1996. Which it received 4 million people per week .
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What is on the website?
Sells merchandise, film section (news and blogs), food articles, TV news and video section.
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Social media platforms such as app?
App is rated in top 500 in USA and UK, created to boost engagement with users due to expanding it's live events and video.
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Uses hashtags to let the audience engage with the institution, eg. "What song should we play?"
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Uses Facebook polls to allow their audience to comment, acts as a direct marketing/promotion. Also to showcase articles which are published on their website.
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Direct link to their website.
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Owned and operated by CSC media which was in 2008 to 2010. Included live coverage of NME Awards, film trailers/interviews.
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Multimedia synergy?
On TV channel readership can listen to the indie bands advertised in the magazine.
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Radio station?
In June 2008, which reached out to 1.2 million people on the move who could not access the internet or the magazine.
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What was broadcasted on the radio station?
Top music, new music, upcoming artists/musicians.
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65% males aged 23; so are early adopters of the internet and use high levels of technology on a regular basis.
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Synthetic personalisation?
Mode of address is slang and genre specific terminology like 'emo'. This establishes a relationship between producer and receiver rather than a media institution advertising to a mass audience.
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Iconography in magazine?
NME features a lot of iconography associated with indie/rock and the scene that surrounds it, e.g. tattoos, amps, dark make- up, electronic guitars. The magazine is visual, some image-heavy and some text heavy.
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Colour scheme?
Red, black and white approaches both female and male genders.
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As NME know their readership (91% attend gigs) this is reflected in their magazine with a weekly gig diary, substantial advertsing of tour dates and "Gigs mates section" to meet new friends.
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NME synergised as it has it's own presence as renowned festivals like Glastonbury and Reading; can vote for "worst band" on the app.
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Advantages of technological convergence?
(NME- digital music on the internet) thus receive ad revenue from advertisers who pay for space on their website and also expands readers/audience members.
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Web 2.0 revolution?
Due to the internet revolution, increasing user generated content it meant people would find alternate/free sources of music rather than buying the magazine, so suffered a sharp decline. NME took to social networking to colonise web 2.0 applications.
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Cultural significance?
In 1970's embraced philosophical, academic commentary on music branching out to not just covering music topics, so drawing audiences together.
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When was the 'Golden Age' ?
In the 1970's NME became the best selling British newspaper.
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Card 2




Time Inc, or formerly known as IPC media is a conglomerate (American mass media company) which dominates the music and film industry.

Card 3


Horizontal expansion?


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Card 4


Vertical expansion?


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Card 5


Cross media convergence?


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