Media Studies AS Terminology and Theories

Basic terminology and theories needed for AS Level Media Studies


Media Theories

the four main ways in which black people are represented in the media:

  • the pitied
  • the humerous
  • the exotic
  • the dangerous

aruges that black people are represented both narrowly and stereotypically by the media

Stuart Halls Encoding/Decoding Model
suggests that producers encode a message and audiences actively decode that message, leading to preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings and aberrant decodings

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Media Theories (Continued)

Uses and Gratifications Theory
Why an audience chooses a media text. Active audiences select texts that meet their individual needs:

  • Entertainment and escapism
  • Surveillance - gain information about the world
  • Fulfilling a social need - keeping you company/something to talk about
  • Personal identity - compare life/self with others to reaffirm your values
  • Voyeurism - watch how others behave/live their lives
  • Fetishism - extreme interest in something. Fandom/obsession

Two - Step - Flow Model
where the message of a media text is delivered by someone who the audience believe/trust

linear narrative that eventually establishes a balance

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Media Terminology 1

Visual Codes - what you see in the scene, what makes up the mise-en-scene

Narrative Codes - how the story is constructed 

Semiotics - the theory of signs

Sign - actual object

Signifier - physical attributes of the sign

Signified - meaning constructed from the physical attributes of the object

Iconic Sign - what the actual object is

Indexical Sign - a sign that suggests something has happened

Symbolic Sign - iconic sign given a sympolic meaning

Syntagmatic Structure - how the narrative is constructed through signs

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Media Terminology 2

Paragidmatic Choices - one sign with many choices. often affected by genre

Cinematography - framing of shots, and the shot types

Extreme Close Up - draws attention to detail

Close-Up - shows expression and emotion

Mid-Shot - see figure and background

Long-Shot - see a whole figure

Extreme Long Shot - establishes setting

Two-Shot - 2 people in one shot, showing a relationship

Over The Shoulder Shot - position audience with a character

Point of View Shot - seeing what the character sees

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Media Terminology 3

Tracking Shot - follows movement of people and objects

Diegetic Sounds - sounds in the scene, eg. talking, cars etc

Non-diegetic Sounds - sounds out of the scene, eg. music

Synchronous Sounds - goes with the images

Asynchronous Sounds - hearing something you cannot see

Sound Bridge - hearing something in one scene that comes from the next scene

Contrapuntal Sound - what you see is the opposite to what you hear

Polysemic - multi-layered narrative

Hegemony - identifying the dominant values of a group. institutional set of values

Generic Verisimilitude - reality according to the genre

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Media Terminology 4

Cultural Verisimilitude - reality according to the specific culture

Hybrid Text - a text combining several genres

Target Audience - who a text is specifically aimed at

Secondary Audience - anyone outside of the target audience who consumes a text

Stereotype - a simplified and generalised view of aspects of society used by the                         media. Often negative and judgmental

Countertype - a representation that challenges the stereotype

Ideology - beliefs and values

Dominant Ideology - dominant beliefs and values of society

Moral Panic - an issue/group of people who are perceived as a threat to society

Demographic - age, gender, nationality representations

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Media Terminology 5

Psychographic - representations of interests, lifestyles, beliefs and values

Preferred Reading - text is consumes in the intended way of the producer

Negotiated Reading - accept part of a texts meaning

Oppositional Reading - audience reject meaning and create their own

Aberrent Decoding - creating an incorrect interpretation of the meaning

Active Audience - create own meanings from a text

Passive Audience - accept meanings and do not create their own

Audience Positioning - the way media texts pursuade audiences to take a point of                                       view or side of an argument

Enigma Codes - an image / text that makes the audience question details or                                     meanings

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you deserve a medal!! thank youu!! :]

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