Other questions in this quiz

2. Who were the participants is Asch's study?

  • 123 male undergraduate
  • 144 male postgraduates
  • 123 American male undergraduate
  • 144 American postgraduates

3. How often did the naive participant give the wrong answer in Asch's study?

  • 36.8%
  • 63.8%
  • 68.3%
  • 86.3%

4. Who said that 'Asch's groups were not very groupy'?

  • Fiske (2004)
  • Williams and Sogon (1984)
  • Perrin and Spencer (1980)
  • Neto (1995)

5. How many trials in Asch's study where 'critical trials'?

  • 12 out of 18
  • 14 out of 18
  • 12 out of 16
  • 14 out of 16


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