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6. Who found that nAffiliators are more likely to conform?

  • McGhee and Teevan (1967)
  • Turner (1991)
  • Asch (1951)
  • Deutsch and Gerard (1955)

7. When was Zimbardo's study stopped?

  • After 2 weeks
  • After 4 days
  • After 6 days
  • After 1 week

8. What did Fromm (1973) accuse Zimbardo of?

  • Ignoring how the participant were play-acting
  • Having low control over variables
  • Minimising the role of dispositional influences
  • Not fulfilling his main ethical responsibilities

9. How many trials in Asch's study where 'critical trials'?

  • 12 out of 16
  • 12 out of 18
  • 14 out of 18
  • 14 out of 16

10. Which factor does NOT enable someone to resist to conformity?

  • Dispositional influences
  • Social support
  • Being an nAffiliator (in high need of affiliation)
  • Having an internal locus of control

11. Who said that 'Asch's groups were not very groupy'?

  • Fiske (2004)
  • Perrin and Spencer (1980)
  • Neto (1995)
  • Williams and Sogon (1984)

12. What percentage of participants conformed at least once in Asch's study?

  • 35%
  • 75%
  • 55%
  • 85%

13. After how many days did the prisoners in Zimbardo's study rebel?

  • 4
  • 2
  • 1
  • 3

14. Which is not one of Asch's variations?

  • Proximity
  • Group size
  • Unanimity
  • Task difficulty

15. Who were the participants is Asch's study?

  • 123 male undergraduate
  • 144 male postgraduates
  • 123 American male undergraduate
  • 144 American postgraduates

16. How often did the naive participant give the wrong answer in Asch's study?

  • 86.3%
  • 36.8%
  • 68.3%
  • 63.8%

17. What is identification?

  • when a person is simply 'going along with' others in public
  • when a person conforms to a group because we value them
  • when a person genuinely accepts the group norms
  • when we are unsure what is right or wrong so we look to others

18. What is compliance?

  • when a person conforms to a group because we value them
  • when a person genuinely accepts the group norms
  • when a person is simply 'going along with' others in public
  • when we are unsure what is right or wrong so we look to others

19. What is internalisation?

  • when a person genuinely accepts the group norms
  • when we are unsure what is right or wrong so we look to others
  • when a person conforms to a group because we value them
  • when a person is simply 'going along with' others in public