Right Realism (New Right) explanations of crime and deviance


1. Who studied a council estate and did it support underclass or not?

  • Charlesworth - Used particpant observation and formal interviews, found poor economic conditions gad bad effect on health, few unemployeed had depression, lose of identity, many commit crime - Doesnt support it as little crime due to it
  • Charlesworth - Used particpant observation and conversational interviews, found poor economic conditions gad bad effect on health, many unemployeed had depression, lose of identity, few commit crime - Doesnt support it as little crime due to it
  • Rex & Timlinson - Used particpant observation and conversational interviews, found poor economic conditions gad bad effect on health, many unemployeed had depression, lose of identity, few commit crime - Doesnt support it as little crime due to it
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2. How do right realists build on Rational choice theory?

  • They argue that currently the percieved costs of crime are low so good time to catch em, Criminals see little risk of being caught or punished, formal punishment and informal social controls (family & community) are strong
  • They argue that currently the percieved costs of crime are low so crime rate risen, Criminals see little risk of being caught or punished, formal punishment and informal social controls (family & community) are weak
  • They argue that currently the percieved costs of crime are high so crime rate fallen, Criminals see little risk of being caught or punished, formal punishment and informal social controls (family & community) are weak

3. What is an evaluation of Rational choice theory (Clarke)

  • Right realism over-states the rationality of criminals - many crimes not result of rational decisions (eg violent crime)
  • Right realism over-states the irrationality of criminals - many crimes are result of rational decisions (eg corporate crime)
  • Right realism over-states the rationality of victims - many victims cant remember exactly what took place or how to better prevent it (eg when drunk)

4. Who also disagree with underclass theory and why?

  • Rex & Tomlinson - Reject idea of subculture that is voluntarily unemployed, criminal behaviour - poverty usually caused by external factors beyond control of poor eeg global reccession, gov policies, etc
  • Charlesworth - Reject idea of subculture that is voluntarily unemployed, criminal behaviour - poverty usually caused by external factors beyond control of poor eeg global reccession, gov policies, etc
  • Rex & Charlesworth - Reject idea of subculture that is voluntarily unemployed, criminal behaviour - poverty usually caused by external factors beyond control of poor eeg global reccession, gov policies, etc

5. Which New Right thinks something is resdponsible for the development of the underclass and what is it?

  • Marsland - Employers not hiring w/c people in inner cities (undermined sense of commitement and obligation to support each other, prefer m/c to w/c)
  • Marsland - Welfare dependency (undermined sense of commitement and obligation to support each other, prefer benefits to work)
  • Murrray - Welfare dependency (undermined sense of commitement and obligation to support each other, prefer benefits to work)


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