Realist Theories of Crime & Deviance 1

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  • Realist Theories of Crime & Deviance 1
    • Realist approaches to crime differ markedly from the prvious theories
      • Approaches such as labelling theory regard crime as socially constructed and as a result of labelling and stereotypes, whereas realists see crime as a real problem to be tackled
    • Realist theories emerged in the 70s and 80s in the political context of a shift to the right in politicis
    • Left Realism
      • Causes of crime
        • Wider causes such as poverty and immediate causes such as relative deprivation and marginalisation
      • Policy based solution
        • Address wider problems through redistribution of resources and address immediate problems through better collaborative policing, better housing and facilities and recreating a sense of community
    • Right Realism
      • Causes of crime
        • There are too many possible causes and government is unable to sort them out, but crime can be controlled
      • Policy based solution
        • The only way to prevent crime is through local people feeling able to maintain order as small problems turn into bigger ones. Initially strict policing will give people confidence to impose informal control
    • Explanation of Crime and Deviance
      • Right Realism
        • Wilson and Kelling (1982)
          • Used their 'broken windows' hypothesis to explain how crime flourishes in situations where social control breaks down
            • Their ideas influenced the zero tolerance approach to crime, first used in New York in the 80s
        • Wilson (1982)
          • Argues people are more likely to commit crime If they are not socialised into acceptable behaviour in their childhood by their family
            • He claims families of low intelligence are less likely to socialise their children adequately so they were more likely to turn to crime
      • Left Realism
        • Young (1984)
          • Suggested criminals should be seen as victims of the capitalist system and that we should focus more on the crimes of the powerful
            • Victimisation studies such as Islington Crime Survey showed that the real victims of crime were the poor who viewed street crime as one of the main social problems
        • Runciman (1966)
          • Argued that political revolutions only occurred when the poor became aware of the sheer scale of differences between the rich
            • Otherwise the poor just accepted their poverty and powerlessnes
        • Lea and Young (1984)
          • Argue that it is not poverty or lack of a job that directly causes crime, but that expectations of the youth lead to resentment as what they are likely to earn differs from their aspirations of earnings


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