Religious Conflicts within Families

  • Created by: dankirk
  • Created on: 15-12-16 12:08
Social Issues
Drinking Alcohol, Smoking, Socialising with members of the opposite sex
1 of 7
Moral Issues
Cohabiting with a partner, Abortion, Euthanasia
2 of 7
Jobs and Careers
Certain careers could conflict with religion e.g. medicine, doctors
3 of 7
Choice of Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Especially if they are from another faith
4 of 7
Raising Children
Society and times have changed and older generations may hold different views
5 of 7
Christianity Teaches
Children should honour their parents, parents should support and care for their children
6 of 7
Islam Teaches
No child should harm their children parents and parents should care for their children, Muslims should obey there parents even in adulthood and respect the wisdom they offer
7 of 7

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Card 2


Cohabiting with a partner, Abortion, Euthanasia


Moral Issues

Card 3


Certain careers could conflict with religion e.g. medicine, doctors


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Card 4


Especially if they are from another faith


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Card 5


Society and times have changed and older generations may hold different views


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