Issues raised about multi-faith societies

  • Created by: Olivia
  • Created on: 25-04-13 17:12
Most religious believers
believe that people should follow the religion of their choice, however some do not agree
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only one religion is right and all others are wrong. members of the 'right' religion should try to convert all others
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only one religion is completely right. Other religions may lead to God and should be respected but followers should be 'encouraged' to change faith
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Religious Pluralism
many different religions lead to God and each one should be respected and treated equally
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Issues- Coversion
there can be issues where one group of religious believers try to convert another to their faith, which could cause conflict
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Issues- Interfaith marriage
when two members of different religions get married. This could cause conflict between the families with different beliefs and values.
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Issues- Raising children within interfaith marriages
both parents may want their children raised within their own faith. A mixture of beliefs could lead to confusion.
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Card 2




only one religion is right and all others are wrong. members of the 'right' religion should try to convert all others

Card 3




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Card 4


Religious Pluralism


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Card 5


Issues- Coversion


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