R.E- Is it fair- Topic two

It means right or power over others. For religious believers this could be a person such as a priest or the teachings from a sacred text.
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This means unfairness. This could be because there is no equality of provision or opportunity or where human rights are ignored, for example imprisonment without trial.
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This means being treated in the same way and not discrimiated against. For religious believers, this is because all humans have been created in the image of God and therefore deserve the same respect.
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This means judging another person before you know anything about them, or have any evidence. This could be because of their skin colour, race or religion.
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This means treating people differently because of race, gender, religion or class. For example, refusing to give someone a job because of the colour of their skin, and therefore, failing to treat them as fellow human beings.
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This refers to who you are in terms of attitude, character and personality. Each person is unique and created in the image of God.
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Human Dignity
This means treating all human beings with respect regardless of race, sex or social position, as God made every human being. It means consideration for others and understading that everyone has value even though their circumstances may be different.
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Card 2


This means unfairness. This could be because there is no equality of provision or opportunity or where human rights are ignored, for example imprisonment without trial.



Card 3


This means being treated in the same way and not discrimiated against. For religious believers, this is because all humans have been created in the image of God and therefore deserve the same respect.


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Card 4


This means judging another person before you know anything about them, or have any evidence. This could be because of their skin colour, race or religion.


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Card 5


This means treating people differently because of race, gender, religion or class. For example, refusing to give someone a job because of the colour of their skin, and therefore, failing to treat them as fellow human beings.


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