RE-Unit4-Christianity-Origins and Value of the Universe

  • Created by: tonisha_
  • Created on: 30-04-22 14:21
What is the main explanation for the origin of the universe?
The Big Bang Theory
1 of 32
The big bang theory is a belief that?
an enormous explosion started the universe billions of years ago
2 of 32
The matter then did what?
3 of 32
Into a?
great mass
4 of 32
Which then began to?
5 of 32
Who was the first person to write about this idea?
Georges Lemaitre
6 of 32
What year?
7 of 32
This theory is thought to have?
continued today
8 of 32
Christians believe in the what?
story of creation
9 of 32
Found in?
10 of 32
They believe that the world is a?
gift created by God
11 of 32
Created over a?
6 day period
12 of 32
With the 7th day?
being a rest
13 of 32
Some Christian______all scientific theories of creation?
14 of 32
They believe that the story in the Bible?
is fully true
15 of 32
If there is ever conflict between science and religion, they believe that?
science is always wrong
16 of 32
What are these Christians usually called?
17 of 32
However some Christians believe there is?
no conflict between science and religion
18 of 32
They believe that The Big Bang Theory?
caused the universe to exist
19 of 32
And that evolution is?
20 of 32
But it is all part of?
Gods plan
21 of 32
Science explains?
how universe was created
22 of 32
Religion explains?
why universe was created
23 of 32
Humans are also given the duty of what?
24 of 32
Explain 2 reasons why Christians believe the world shouldnt be used as a commodity?

Christians believe the world is?
a gift from God
25 of 32
Therefore humans were given?
duty of stewardship
26 of 32
Christians also believe that God will do what?
judge them
27 of 32
28 of 32
On how they?
have treated the world
29 of 32
This will determine?
whether they go to heaven or hell
30 of 32
Therefore they should?
take care of it
31 of 32
And shouldnt use it as?
a commodity
32 of 32

Other cards in this set

Card 2


The big bang theory is a belief that?


an enormous explosion started the universe billions of years ago

Card 3


The matter then did what?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Into a?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which then began to?


Preview of the front of card 5
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