RE key terms

  • Created by: Gebby04
  • Created on: 03-05-22 09:41
That which is considered morally right, beneficial and to our advantage.
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That which is considered extremely immoral, wicked and wrong.
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To grant pardon for a wrongdoing; to give up resentment and the desire to seek revenge against a wrongdoer
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The ability to make choices voluntarily and independently. The belief that nothing is pre-determined
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Fairness; where everyone has equal provisions and opportunities
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Principles and standards determining which actions are right and wrong
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An inner voice that keeps a person on the right track. Religious people think this is the voice of God that helps people to make the right choices
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The belief that any form of violence or war is unacceptable. Being unwilling to use any force or violence e.g. by not joining the army
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Pain or distress caused by injury, illness or loss. Suffering can be physical, emotional/psychological or spiritual
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Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not their spouse
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To legally end a marriage
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To live together in a sexual relationship without being married or in a civil partnership
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A sense of dedication and obligation to someone or something
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Methods used to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant during or following sexual intercourse
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Gender equaulity
People of all genders enjoying the same rights and opportunities in all aspects of their lives
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Actions/duties you are expected to carry out
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Position, status or function of a person in society, as well as the characteristics and social behaviour expected of them
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The practice of suppresing and limiting access to materials considered obscene, offensive or a threat to security. People may also be restricted in their speech by censorship law
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Act of treating groups of people, or individuals differently, based on prejudice. e.g. racism
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Believing in, supporting and acting upon ideas that are very far from what most people consider correct or reasonable. Extremist views might come from religious or political views
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Human rights
The basic entitlements of all human beings, afforded to them simply because they are human. e.g. right the education
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Personal conviction
Something a person strongly feels or believes in. e.g. capital punishment is wrong
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Prejudging; judging people to be inferior or superior without cause. e.g. all women should stay home to cook, clean and look after the children, instead if going out to work
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Relative poverty
A standard of poverty measured in relation to the standards of the society in which a prson lives, for example, living on less than x percent of an average income
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Absolute poverty
An acute state of deprivation, whereby a person cannot access the most basic of their human needs, e.g. food, water, shelter
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Social inustice
Promoting a fair society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity. Ensuring that everyone has equal access to provisions, equal opportunity and rights
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Aron Hakodesh
The holy Ark containing the Torah scrolls. it is on the wall facing Jerusalem and is the focal point of the synagogue
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The body of Jewish law dealing with what foods can and cannot be eaten and how those foods must be prepared. the word 'Kashrut' comes from the Hebrew, meaning fit, proper or correct. The word kosher describes food that meets the standards of kashrut
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A cap worn by Jewish boys and men (and sometimes women) during services. Some Jews often wear a Kippah at all times. It is a reminder of god's presence. A Kippah is often known as a yarmulke
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Ner tamid
'Eternal light'; a constantly lit lamp near the ark in the synagogue that symbolises God's presence
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The state of being all-loving and infinitely good - a characteristic often attributed to God
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The all-powerful, almighty and unlimited nature of God
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A major branch within Judaism which adheres faithfully to the principles and practices of traditional Judaism. Orthodox Jews believe that the law of the Torah is eternal and unchanging, and they practise observance of the Sabbath, etc.
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A religious teacher and leader with authority to make decisions on issues of Jewish law. A Rabbi is the chief religious official of a synagogue, who often (but not always) leads worship and conducts rites and rituals
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A major branch of Judaism which seeks to embrace diversity of interpretations of Jewish law and customs, whilst preserving the beliefs, values and traditions central to the faith. Reform Jews believe that Jewish law is inspired by God
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Day of spiritual renewal and rest. beginning at sunset on Friday and closing at nightfall on Saturday
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A prayer declaring Jewish faith that is said by many Jews twice a day. The Shema states that there is only one God. It is placed in the Mezuzah case and the tefillin
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House of assembly; building for Jewish public prayer, study and assembly
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The deliverate ending of a pregnancy so that is does not result in a birth of a child. Legal in UK up to 24 weeks
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Another word for life after death. The belief that death is not the end and that the soul lives on
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Environmental responsibilities
The duty upon human beings to respect, care for and preserve the natural environment. E.g. duty to recycle
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The act of killing a person, either directly or indirectly, because a decision has been reached that death would be the best option. Sometimes referred to as mercy killing
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Living creatures are believed to have developed from earlier, less complex forms. Theory associated with Charles Darwin
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Quality of life
The extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable. e.g. someone in coma has poor quality of life
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Sanctity of life
The belief that life is precious or sacred because humans are made 'in Gods image'. For many religious believers, only human life holds this special status
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The spiritual aspect of a being which connects someone to God. The soul is often regarded as immortal, living on after death
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


That which is considered extremely immoral, wicked and wrong.



Card 3


To grant pardon for a wrongdoing; to give up resentment and the desire to seek revenge against a wrongdoer


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Card 4


The ability to make choices voluntarily and independently. The belief that nothing is pre-determined


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Card 5


Fairness; where everyone has equal provisions and opportunities


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