PY2 - Rahe et al.

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  • Created by: Misha
  • Created on: 28-05-12 13:41
What year was this study conducted ?
1 of 9
Holmes and Hawkins noticed that patients in their care treated for TB were from poor backgrounds and that it wasn't the poor background itself that ___ risk of TB but the ___ of poverty.
Increase, Stress
2 of 9
Rahe's study was ..... ?
3 of 9
How many naval and marine personal made up the sample?
2664, from 10 US Navy cruisers.
4 of 9
What was the mean age of the participants?
22.3 years
5 of 9
There was a significant postive correlation between the 6 month period prior to cruise and cruise period illness at ___
6 of 9
Cohen et al 1993 Contradicts Rahe's results. TRUE or FALSE
7 of 9
Kiecolt-Glaser said... ?
Killer T-cell activity reduced the speed of puncture wounds healing.
8 of 9
What year was Delongis et al's study conducted?
9 of 9

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Card 2


Holmes and Hawkins noticed that patients in their care treated for TB were from poor backgrounds and that it wasn't the poor background itself that ___ risk of TB but the ___ of poverty.


Increase, Stress

Card 3


Rahe's study was ..... ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many naval and marine personal made up the sample?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the mean age of the participants?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Question 4: The participants were on 3 US navy cruisers.

Question 7: Typo. Group 1 had the lowest TCLU score, and group 10 had the highest TLCU scores.

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