PS1811 Research methods and statistics

  • Created by: k4te18
  • Created on: 14-05-18 15:04
In science, all hypothesised causes and effects should be natural, rather than supernatural
methodological naturalism
1 of 14
Criticism and analysis by other experts in the field
peer review
2 of 14
Things that are presented as science, but without the methodological rigour of proper science
3 of 14
Route to persuasion in which people engage in detailed thought about a subject
central route
4 of 14
Anything that varies between people or over time
5 of 14
Causes changes in some other variable
independent variable
6 of 14
What we think is changed by some other variable
dependent variable
7 of 14
General term used used in psychology for an investigation of some topic
8 of 14
Particular kind of study that involves manipulating the IV
9 of 14
Numbers are used as lables
nominal data
10 of 14
Numbers tell us the order of data, not the magnitude
ordinal data
11 of 14
Numbers have a meaning (can be added/ subtracted)
interval data
12 of 14
Data that has a real zero (can be multiplied/ divided)
ratio data
13 of 14
Describing what the data looks like
descriptive statistics
14 of 14

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Card 2


Criticism and analysis by other experts in the field


peer review

Card 3


Things that are presented as science, but without the methodological rigour of proper science


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Card 4


Route to persuasion in which people engage in detailed thought about a subject


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Card 5


Anything that varies between people or over time


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