physical education - bones/joints

what part of the skelton produces red blood cell?
Long bone
1 of 13
which bones form the knee?
Tibia and femur
2 of 13
Give an example of a third class lever...
When extension occurs at the knee
3 of 13
what is the sequence of events during expiration at rest
Diaphragm relaxes; decreased volume in chest; increased pressure in lungs; air forced out
4 of 13
what are the functions of the cartilage and and synovial fluid in a synovial joint?
Cartilage - prevents bones rubbing together and reduces friction/synovial fluid lubricates the joint which also reduces friction
5 of 13
name the joint action and main agonist that occurs during a vertical jump
Action = extension Agonist = quadriceps
6 of 13
State three features of alveoli that assist the process of diffusion
thin cell walls, large surface area, rich blood/lots of capillaries, layer of moisture and short diffusion
7 of 13
Identify three features of veins that distinguish them from other types of blood vessel.
carry blood towards the heart, large lumen, thin walls, valves
8 of 13
Explain the function of EPOC
remove lactic acid, uses oxygen, maintain high breathing/heart raTE
9 of 13
Describe 4 benefits of a cool down
slow down heart rate, prevents DOMS, reduces body temp, removes lactic acid,
10 of 13
Using an example from the body, explain the mechanical advantages of a second class lever system.
Eg. Ankle joint - able to move a load of resistance because of a long effort arm
11 of 13
Name and describe a suitable test to measure co-ordination
anderson wall toll test - stand 2 meters away from the wall and throw the ball against the wall and be able to cart
12 of 13
Three reasons why performers should undertake fitness testing
To find strengths and weaknesses, to track improvement, gives motivation, finds a starting point and a comparison to the norm.
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


which bones form the knee?


Tibia and femur

Card 3


Give an example of a third class lever...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the sequence of events during expiration at rest


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are the functions of the cartilage and and synovial fluid in a synovial joint?


Preview of the front of card 5
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