
Hospitality & Catering WJEC - 2014 GCSE 

  • Created by: Ellie
  • Created on: 30-05-14 13:03
nutrient needed to grow and repair cells
1 of 38
what is protein made up of
amino acids
2 of 38
proteins that are high in essential amino acids are called
high biological value proteins
3 of 38
Proteins that are low in essential amino acids are called
low biological value proteins
4 of 38
LBV proteins include
nuts cereals pulses
5 of 38
HBV proteins include
meat fish milk egg soya beans
6 of 38
provide the body with energy
7 of 38
the two types of carbohydrates
simple complex
8 of 38
complex carbohydrates provide us with ........................ energy
long lasting
9 of 38
name three complex carbohydrates
bread pasta cereals
10 of 38
Simple carbohydrates make .......................... go up quickly
blood sugar levels
11 of 38
simple carbohydrates provide ...................... of energy
short bursts
12 of 38
name three places simple carbohydrates can be found
jam cakes sweets
13 of 38
what are fats used for
14 of 38
fats keep us
15 of 38
fats help to protect our internal
16 of 38
two types of fat
saturated unsaturated
17 of 38
meat butter and cheese are high in ............... fat
18 of 38
seeds fish and vegetable oils are high in ............... fat
19 of 38
The vitamin that provides good vision
Vitamin A
20 of 38
The vitamin that helps release energy from carbohydrates
Vitamin B
21 of 38
The vitamin that helps fight disease and helps absorb iron
Vitamin C
22 of 38
The vitamin that along with calcium helps make strong teeth and bones
Vitamin D
23 of 38
fish, eggs, butter, oranges and dark green vegetables contain which vitamin
Vitamin A
24 of 38
Cereals meat and fish contain which vitamin?
Vitamin B
25 of 38
oranges, peppers, tomatoes. green vegetables and potatoes contain which vitamin?
Vitamin C
26 of 38
Eggs and Oily fish contain which vitamin
Vitamin D
27 of 38
What does iron produce
red blood cells
28 of 38
if you don't get enough iron you may end up suffering from
29 of 38
iron is found in which two foods
red meat green vegetables
30 of 38
What mineral provides us with strong bones?
31 of 38
a lack of calcium leads to
32 of 38
calcium is found in what type of food
dairy products
33 of 38
tofu and green vegetables are high in
34 of 38
Fibre doesn't get
35 of 38
fibre prevents
36 of 38
name three products that fibre is found in
vegetables wholemeal bread beans
37 of 38
what does water help to control
body temperature
38 of 38

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is protein made up of


amino acids

Card 3


proteins that are high in essential amino acids are called


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Proteins that are low in essential amino acids are called


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


LBV proteins include


Preview of the front of card 5
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