Other questions in this quiz

2. James wants to help his little brother get fit and healthy, so is looking at ways to get him motivated to exercise. James is considering taking him away on holiday if he sticks to a training programme for 6 weeks. What type of reward is this?

  • Extrinsic
  • Intrinsic

3. A PAR-Q is an essential document that assesses the risks and health concerns of an individual when joining a gym. Which of these would not be considered a necessary question within a PAR-Q?

  • Are you currently taking any medication
  • What is your Sexual Orientation
  • Which local GP are your registered with
  • What is your Gender

4. Which body type is characterized as having long, slim, and thin muscles/limbs and low fat storage.

  • Mesomorph
  • Ectomorph
  • Endomorph

5. Dan has been attending the gym on a weekly basis and has focused on Muscular Strength training. Recently he has been struggling to attend his sessions as his muscles are feeling sore and tired. Which of the reasons below could explain this?

  • Dan may have not been appropriately stretching after his sessions, which would mean his muscles aren't flushed of any lactic acid build up.
  • Dan is not eating the correct foods, which means his muscles do not have the energy they need
  • Dan is becoming bored of his programme and is trying to avoid exercise
  • Dan is not wearing appropriate clothing during his training, causing his muscles to tighten up.


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