Nazis Germany 1933-45

I'm retaking this subject and needed to revise my knowledge. Hope other people can make use of this ;)

  • Created by: Grainne
  • Created on: 21-04-13 15:35

1. What was the Reichstag fire?

  • An arson attack by Nazis on a political building- however communist party was suspected- in 1933
  • The open persecution and attack of Jews and their property in 1938
  • A failed attempt at a revolution by Hitler in 1923
1 of 7

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2. What were the Nuremburg Laws?

  • A failed attempt at a revolution by Hitler in 1923
  • Hitler introduced Anti Semitic Laws in 1935
  • The open persecution and attack of Jews and their property in 1938

3. What was The Night of The Long Knives/Operation Hummingbird?

  • Hitler's strategic removal of all external and internal opposition in 1934
  • The open persecution and attack of Jews and their property in 1938
  • A failed attempt at a revolution by Hitler in 1923

4. What year did Adolf Hitler become Chancellor of Germany

  • 1921
  • 1933
  • 1919

5. What was the Enabling Act?

  • A Constitutional Ammendent that allowed Hitler to enable acts without going through the Reich in 1933
  • The open persecution and attack of Jews and their property in 1938
  • Hitler's strategic removal of all external and internal opposition in 1934




Wow amazing

Former Member





informative, clear and concise.

Improvements: Add more historiography. 



MAKE SURE TO CHECK OUT WOOKIE 2312 and Itz Dave on youtube

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