Key steps in the Nazis' consolidation of power

  • Created by: Manja
  • Created on: 18-10-12 22:34
When was Hitler appointed as chancellor?
30th January 1933
1 of 13
When was the Reichstag fire?
27th February 1933
2 of 13
When was the 'Emergency decree' put forward?
28th February 1933
3 of 13
When were the second elections held? (During when Hitler was chancellor)
5th March 1933
4 of 13
When was Goebbels appointed as propaganda minister?
13th March 1933
5 of 13
When was the 'Enabling act' put forward?
24th March 1933
6 of 13
When did the Nazis do their one day boycott of Jewish shops?
1st April 1933
7 of 13
When was the 'Law for restoration of professional civil service' put forward?
7th April 1933
8 of 13
When was the 'law against the formation of new parties' put forward?
14th July 1933
9 of 13
When was the 'concordat agreement between state and Vatican' ?
20th July 1933
10 of 13
When was the Reichstag dissolved?
14th October 1933
11 of 13
When was the 'Law for the reconstruction of the state' put forward?
30th January 1934
12 of 13
When was the Night of the Long Knives?
30th June 1934
13 of 13

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Card 2


When was the Reichstag fire?


27th February 1933

Card 3


When was the 'Emergency decree' put forward?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When were the second elections held? (During when Hitler was chancellor)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When was Goebbels appointed as propaganda minister?


Preview of the front of card 5
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