INFO 2 Topic 4 Networks

  • Created by: mrkhan
  • Created on: 19-11-16 20:43
Local Area Network (LAN)
This is a network that is confined to single building or site - the hardware and communications equipment is contained in one building or site.
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Wide Area Network (WAN)
In this type of network hardware is spread over a wide geographical area. The devices are spread over multiple buildings and sites.
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This is a huge group of networks joined together. Each of these networks consists of lots of smaller networks. This is one example of a WAN.
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World Wide Web (WWW)
This is simply called the web. It is the means of accessing the information contained on the Internet. It is an information sharing model that is built on top of the Internet.
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This is a private network that uses the same technology as that of the Internet for the sending of messages around the network. The main use of it is to share organisational information and share documents.
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This is a little like the Intranet but it is NOT just restricted to the employees of the organisation but is also available to customers, suppliers and other partners. These are not accessible by the public and are accessed by usernames & passwords
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Card 2


Wide Area Network (WAN)


In this type of network hardware is spread over a wide geographical area. The devices are spread over multiple buildings and sites.

Card 3




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Card 4


World Wide Web (WWW)


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Card 5




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