
____________ is a reaction where then fluid and leukocytes from the blood move to the extravascular tissue
1 of 59
Inflammation is the body's _________ response to damage, such as pain, injury etc
2 of 59
One important inflammatory molecule is ______ which is stored inside mast cells
3 of 59
Inflammation is the body's attempt to restore ________
4 of 59
A prolonged inflammatory response may be _______ to the host
5 of 59
Stimuli such as chemicals ______ activate an inflammatory response
6 of 59
There are ____ cardinal signs of inflammation
7 of 59
Redness, Swelling, Heat, Pain and __________ are the 5 cardinal signs of inflammation
Function laesa
8 of 59
_________ is known as an excessive build up of fluid in the tissues
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________ results from oedema
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Chemical mediators such as bradykinin cause __________
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Recognition that the body is injured or invaded
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Activation of soluble mediators and cellular inflammatory systems
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Inhibition of inflammatory mediators occurs after the threat has been eradicated
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Acute inflammation is __________
Short term
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Most of the time, this results in healing
Acute inflammation
16 of 59
Tissue destruction and attempts at repair are signs of
Chronic inflammation
17 of 59
Five main events occur during acute inflammation, the first is ________
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Five main events occur during acute inflammation, the second is _______
Increased vascular permeability
19 of 59
Five main events occur during acute inflammation, the third is ________
Activation of endothelial cells
20 of 59
Five main events occur during acute inflammation, the fourth is __________
Production of chemotactic factors
21 of 59
Increased vascular permeability means
Increasing the permeability to allow cells, fluid and proteins to move into the interstitial spaces
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Neutrophils secrete factors that _____________
Kill and degrade pathogens
23 of 59
Macrophages secrete cytokines that ____________
Attract immune system cells and tissue repair cells
24 of 59
Both neutrophils and macrophages remove pathogens by _______________
25 of 59
Histamine, serotonin, bradykinin, prostaglandins and nitric oxide are all
Vasoactive mediators
26 of 59
Chemokines, C5a and lipocygenase products are all
Chemotactic factors
27 of 59
Mast cells and ___________ are able to release potent inflammatory mediators, such as histamine, proteases, chemotactic factors, cytokines and metabolites of arachidonic acid
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Biogenic amine
29 of 59
__________ acts on vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells, leading to vasodilation and an increase in vascular permeability, and redness and swelling
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A nonapeptide
31 of 59
_________ causes blood vessels to dilate, low blood pressure, increased blood flow to the tissue, pain, nitric oxide and arachidonic acid release
32 of 59
Prostaglandins and leukotrienes are both derivatives of __________
Arachidonic acid
33 of 59
Arachidonic acid is a 20 carbon unsat-fatty acid produced by membrane
34 of 59
Prostaglandins are made by ___________
Most cells in the body
35 of 59
Leukotrienes are made by __________
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages and mast cells
36 of 59
Chemotactic factors are
Soluble molecules which attract and guide the movement of cells such as phagocytes in the inflammatory response
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___________ secrete IL 8
38 of 59
__________ move towards IL 8
39 of 59
Neutrophils move by ________
40 of 59
Diapedesis involves ______ activation, adhesion and transmigration
41 of 59
P and E selectin are responsible for adhesion of __________
42 of 59
P and E selectins bind to inward sialyl Lewis molecules on _________
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LFA1 is on the neutrophil, and binds to ________ on the endothelium, which allows adhesion during diapedesis
44 of 59
________ is where the neurtophil, once attatched, slides between the endothelial cells
45 of 59
The acute phase response is a change in the blood that is __________ by things such as inflammation
46 of 59
The cytokines TNF alpha and IL 6 are key mediators in ___________
The acute phase response
47 of 59
Clearance of pathogens, tissue debris, return of homeostasis are signs of ___________
48 of 59
Neutrophils are programmed to undergo apoptosis after they have fulfilled their function and mediators __________
Have a short half life
49 of 59
If acute inflammation is ___________ then chronic inflammation is evident
Not resolved
50 of 59
Persistant, chronic inflammation is associated with allergy, atherosclerosis, cancer, arthritis and __________
Autoimmune disease
51 of 59
Neutrophils play the leading role in _________
Acute inflammation
52 of 59
Macrophages play the leading role in __________
Chronic inflammation
53 of 59
Macropages, lymphocytes and plasma cells accumulate in ____________
Chronic inflammation
54 of 59
Macrophages live _________ 'lives' than neutrophils
55 of 59
Granulomatous inflammation is a subtype of
56 of 59
Characteristics of granulomatous inflammation are an inability to digest phagocytosed material and a deficiency in immunity (frequent occurence of _________)
57 of 59
Many ______ arise from sites of infection, chronic irritation and inflammation
58 of 59
The most important risk factor for __ is found in nHLA locus HLA-DRB1 gene
Rhumatoid arthritis
59 of 59

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Inflammation is the body's _________ response to damage, such as pain, injury etc



Card 3


One important inflammatory molecule is ______ which is stored inside mast cells


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Inflammation is the body's attempt to restore ________


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


A prolonged inflammatory response may be _______ to the host


Preview of the front of card 5
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