Important People - Medicine In Britain

suggested theories such as the four humours (black bile, yellow bile, phylegm and blood), clinical observation (checking symptoms), diagnosis (identification of illness/cause) and the hippocratic oath
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extended the theories of the four humours by suggesting that they should be rebalanced via the theory of opposites (seasons + elements)
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Thomas Sydenham
believed each disease was different, referred to as the 'English Hippocrates', helped discover Scarlet Fever (illness that mostly affects children) and wrote the book 'Observations Medicae' (1676)
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William Harvey
conducted the theory of how blood circulates around the human body, taught doctors to observe/record patients symptoms instead of relying on textbooks
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suggested the theory that blood flowed towards the heart and carried out a large number of dissections on human bodies and recorded this in his book 'The Fabric Of The Human Body' (published in 1543)
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Edward Jenner
developed vaccination towards preventing smallpox/cowpox (1798)
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James Simpson
discovered that chloroform could be used as an anaesthetic during surgery to help childbirth and patients undergoing operations (1847)
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Florence Nightingale
Improved hygiene and cleanliness for wounded soldiers during the Crimean War (1854-1856) and worked to improve the training of nurses
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John Snow
mapped out death rates and proved that clean water prevented cholera, which was caught from water used for washing and drinking
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Louis Pasteur
published his germ theory suggesting that microbes (bacteria/germs) in the air caused diseases (1861)
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Joseph Lister
learnt that carbolic acid kills parasites in sewage, experimented with carbolic acid to produce the first antiseptic (1867)
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Robert Koch
from analyising Pasteur's work, discovered that bacteria caused indiviual diseases, such as Tuberculosis and Typhoid (1882)
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Card 2


extended the theories of the four humours by suggesting that they should be rebalanced via the theory of opposites (seasons + elements)



Card 3


believed each disease was different, referred to as the 'English Hippocrates', helped discover Scarlet Fever (illness that mostly affects children) and wrote the book 'Observations Medicae' (1676)


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Card 4


conducted the theory of how blood circulates around the human body, taught doctors to observe/record patients symptoms instead of relying on textbooks


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Card 5


suggested the theory that blood flowed towards the heart and carried out a large number of dissections on human bodies and recorded this in his book 'The Fabric Of The Human Body' (published in 1543)


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