iMedia Exam Revision 5

  • Created by: Blu88
  • Created on: 12-06-22 14:39

1. A way for a business to help someone identify the products that the business makes (name, logo, phrase, etc)

  • trademark
  • copyright
  • intellectual property
  • creative commons
1 of 19

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2. stores both video and audio

  • wav
  • pdf
  • mp4
  • mp3

3. Used to show visually what the final product may look like

  • script
  • mood board
  • visualisation diagram
  • mind map

4. Used to provide the media developer with outline informationa and constraints

  • gantt chart
  • client brief
  • work plan
  • location recce

5. A license agreement the creator chooses that lets you use the persons resources (still need to quote the source)

  • intellectual property
  • data protection act
  • creative commons
  • trademark


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