Other questions in this quiz

2. What was the LUCE for?

  • Censorship of all media
  • Censorship of Art
  • Censorship of Cinema
  • Censorship of Newpaper

3. Who did Mussolini appoint as Secretary-General of the Fascist Party in 1925?

  • Augusto Torati
  • Roberto Farinacci
  • Dino Grandi
  • Italo Balbo

4. The Fascist were only interested in controlling art propaganda, ignoring literature, drama and music because

  • Literature, Music and Drama were an important part of Italian culture
  • Art was the most mainstream source
  • Art was something Mussolini was particularly interested in

5. What affect did the Aventine Secession have?

  • Mussolini was easily able to pass laws in parliament due to the lack of opposition
  • Mussolini came under severe pressure and threat from the King and the Ras
  • The Fascist party lost a lot of its support, and the Socialists became the most popular party




These ten multiple choice questions are a good way to test knowledge of the basics about Fascist Italy.

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