Globalisation and Social Life

  • Created by: chend96
  • Created on: 05-01-14 19:03
What is globalisation?
Processes which lead to the interconnectedness fo countries within the world.
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What is globalism?
The reactions of individuals in response to these processes.
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What are the 5 areas of life that globalisation affects?
Work, Leisure, Media, Travel and Consumption.
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How does it affect work?
There are more equal opportunities for women and more service sector jobs.
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What are the positive and negative effects?
Positive- Allows women to choose their career and allows them freedom. Negative- There is still an 18% pay gap between men and women.
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How does it affect Transport?
There has been a production in cars, public transport, aeroplanes and trains.
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What are the positive and negative effects?
Positive- More access to holidays abroad and freedo to choose cars. Negative- Pollution and congestion.
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How does it affect Leisure?
There is more emphasis on entertainment services- alton towers, pubs, technology.
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What are the positive and negative effects?
Positive- More choice and individualism. Negative- Pressure to fit in and obesity.
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How does it affect Media?
There has been an increase in advertising in TV and Magazines and therefore an emphasis on celebrity lifestyle and access to computers.
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What are the positive and negative effects?
Positive- More choice, freedom and diversity. Negative- Pressure to confrom to expectations- financial strain.
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How does it affect Consumption?
There has been ann increase in purchasing goods and services- shopping centres, food outlets.
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What are the positive and negative effects?
Positive- More choice on the high street. Negative- pressure to look right or follow common styles.
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Card 2


What is globalism?


The reactions of individuals in response to these processes.

Card 3


What are the 5 areas of life that globalisation affects?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does it affect work?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the positive and negative effects?


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