Geography Test Revision 11/02/2018

What is an ecosystem?
An ecosystem is a natural environment and includes plants and animals that live and interact within that environment.
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What are the living components of the ecosystem?
Flora (plants), fauna (animals) and bacteria
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What are ecosystems dependent on?
Climate, soil and water
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What does biotic mean?
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What does abiotic mean?
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Name a common ecosystem in the UK?
The freshwater pond
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What does the freshwater pond consist of?
Pond bottom, mid water, pond surface, pond margin and above the pond surface
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What is a food chain?
A food chain shows how each living things gets food
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What is a food web?
This includes all of the connections between producers and consumers in an ecosystem. The food web shows how interconnected all of the different organisms are
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What are ecosystems very sensitive to?
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Name four changes to an ecosystem caused by natural factors
Drought, flood, fire, disease
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Name four changes to an ecosystem caused by human management
Introducing more fish, altering the drainage of the land, changing the pH level of the water and altering the nutrient levels of the water
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What are large-scale ecosystems called?
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Name three important factors that determine the climate of a place
Latitude, air pressure and winds
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Characteristics of Tundras
Found near the North and South poles, very few plants and animals can survive here
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Characteristics of Coniferous Forests
Found in Scandinavia, Russia and Canada, evergreen trees thrive in this cool temperature climate
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Characteristics of Temperate Deciduous Forests
Found across Europe and in the USA, these trees loose their leaves every year and thrive in mild and wet conditions
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Characteristics of Temperate Grasslands
Found in Hungary, South Africa, Argentina and the USA, consists of grass and trees that thrive in a temperate continental climate of moderate rainfall and mild conditions
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Characteristics of Mediterraneans
Found around the Mediterranean Sea, around Perth and Melbourne in Australia and California in the USA
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Characteristics of Deserts
Found near the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, conditions here are very hot and dry, plants and animals are specially adapted to survive in the harsh conditions
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Characteristics of Tropical Rainforests
Found near the Equator, the climate is hot and humid and many different species can be found here
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Characteristics of Savannah Grasslands
Found mainly in central Africa, southern India, northern Australia and central South America, long grasses and a few scattered tress are found in these hot and dry conditions
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Describe a Tropical Rain forests humidtiy
Tropical rain forests have hot and humid climates where it rains virtually everyday. The level of rain fall depends on the time of the year
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Name the four layers of Tropical Rain forests
The shrub layer, under canopy, canopy and emergents
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What is deforestation
Cutting down trees
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Name consequences of deforestation
Forest habitats are destroyed, soil erosion increases, atmospheric pollution is caused, loss of biodiversity, greenhouse gases and climate change
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Name causes for deforestation
To make more land available for housing and urbanisation, to harvest timber to create commercial items, to create ingredients that are highly prized consumer items and to create room for cattle ranching
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Name methods of deforestation
Burning trees (slash and burn) and clear cutting
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Describe the location of Malaysia
Malaysia is a country in south-east Asia. It is made up of Peninsular Malaysia and Eastern Malaysia which is part of the island Borneo
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Describe the vegetation of Malaysia
The natural vegetation of Malaysia is tropical rain forest, nearly 63% of Malaysia is forest and commercial tree crops, primarily rubber and oil palm.
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Reasons for vegetation in Malaysia
Logging, energy, mining, resettlement and commercial plantations
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What is the National Forestry Act?
A policy that tries to decrease deforestation
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Describe the process of the selective management system
2 years before felling - pre-felling to identify whats is there, 1 year before felling - tress are marked for felling, Felling, 3-6 months after felling - survey to check what has been felled, 2 years after felling - treatment plan drawn up
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5-10 years after felling - replacement trees planted, 30-40 years after felling - cycle begins again
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Other ways to help prevent deforestation
Debt relief, FSC, national parks and developing tourism
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the living components of the ecosystem?


Flora (plants), fauna (animals) and bacteria

Card 3


What are ecosystems dependent on?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does biotic mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does abiotic mean?


Preview of the front of card 5
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