GCSE RS Revision - Buddhism Beliefs and Teachings

  • Created by: KL15
  • Created on: 28-05-17 17:41
Do Buddhists believe in a God?
1 of 42
What prophecy's were made about Siddhartha at his birth?
1) He would be a great warrior King or 2) He would be a great religious leader
2 of 42
Where did the Buddha grow up?
In a palace, owned by his father, King Suddhodana.
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Why did the Siddhartha's father not want him to leave the palace?
He wanted to Siddhartha to become the next King so thought that if he became attached to a life of luxury, he would not want to leave the palace and become a revered holy man.
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What was Suddhodana protecting Siddhartha from?
Pain, disappointment and suffering.
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What were the four sights?
Old Age, Illness, Death and a holy man. These four sights struck the Buddha as they had been the first times that he had witnessed suffering and he realised that even, he, a royal was not immune from the suffering in the world.
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Why did Siddhartha leave the palace?
He wanted to find the truth of suffering and realised that this could not be done in the confines of the palace walls.
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What is an ascetic?
Somebody that starves themselves of all luxuries but spends the majority of their time meditating in order to achieve enlightenment.
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What is the middle way?
Avoiding complete luxury or a lack of luxury in order to live in between the two extremes and try to find the answers.
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Who was Mara?
The "devil" who tempted the Buddha with his daughters, army's and kingdom.
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What is enlightenment?
Becoming fully awakened and understanding suffering.
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Where did the Buddha become enlightened?
Under the Bodhi Tree.
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What are the three watches of the night?
Siddhartha gained knowledge of all previous lives, Siddhartha understood the cycle of life, death and rebirth, Siddhartha understood suffering.
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What is the dhamma/dharma?
The teachings of the Buddha.
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What are the 3 refuges?
Buddha - The Buddha, Dhamma - The Buddha's teachings, Sangha - The Buddhits community of monks and nuns.
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What is dependent arising?
The Buddhist vision of the nature of reality. It says that everything arises and continues, dependent upon conditions.
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What are the three poisons?
Greed, Hatred and Ignorance - The main causes of suffering.
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What is the Tibetan wheel of life?
The cycle of rebirth, or Samsara. Good Karma, or Kamma can aid one in enlightenment and therefore in breaking the cycle of rebirth.
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What is samsara?
The repeating cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
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What is karma?
A person's actions. Good karma results in a good outcome and bad karma in a bad outcome.
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What are the three marks of existence?
Dukkha - Suffering, Anicca - Impermanence, Anatta - No permanent self.
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What are the 5 aggregates?
Form, Sensation, Perception, Mental Formation, Consciousness
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What is Dukkha?
The 1st Noble Truth - There is suffering.
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What is Samudaya?
The 2nd Noble Truth - There are causes of suffering.
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What is Nirodha?
The 3rd Noble Truth - Suffering can be stopped.
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What is Magga?
The 4th Noble Truth - The way to stop suffering.
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What is the difference between Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism?
Theravada is the school of the elders; and ancient tradition founded in Asia whereas Mahayana is a term to describe later Buddhist Traditions.
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What is the Eight fold Path (using the three fold way) ?
Ethics: Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood. Meditation: Right effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration.
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What is an Arhat?
A Therevada person that has overcome the three poisons and suffering to attain enlightenment and break free from Samsara.
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What is a Bodhisattva?
A Mahayana version of the Arhat that chooses to stay in the cycle of Samsara and aid other in becoming enlightened.
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What is sunyata?
Emptiness; the concept that nothing has an independent soul.
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What is Pure Land Buddhism?
Based on the faith in the Amitabha Buddha, in the hope of being reborn into paradise (Sukhavati) where the Amitabha Buddha L
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What is Buddha-nature?
The idea that everyone has the essence of a Buddha in them.
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What is Buddhahood?
When someone achieves enlightenment and becomes a Buddha.
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What is Nirvana/Nibbana?
The end goal. A state of enlightenment, happiness and peace.
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What is tanha?
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What are nidanas?
12 factors that illustrate the cycle of rebirth.
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What is the Pali?
The language of the early Buddhist scriptures.
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What is Sanskrit?
The language used in later Indian Buddhist texts.
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Who were the 5 ascetics?
The Buddha's earliest students.
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What is enlightenment?
The gaining of true knowledge about God, self or the nature of reality.
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What is Jakata?
Popular stories about the Buddha's life.
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What prophecy's were made about Siddhartha at his birth?


1) He would be a great warrior King or 2) He would be a great religious leader

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Where did the Buddha grow up?


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Card 4


Why did the Siddhartha's father not want him to leave the palace?


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Card 5


What was Suddhodana protecting Siddhartha from?


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