Factors That Influence Social Change

  • Created by: Tom1704
  • Created on: 29-04-16 10:07
Maintaining the same view, all saying the same thing. This makes people rethink their own views ('maybe they do have a point is they keep saying/doing it'?)
1 of 7
Engaging in activities and demonstrations to draw attention. Can be as extream to the point of death or serious health risk.
2 of 7
Negotiating and counter-arguing to strike a balance between consistency and flexibility. Repeating the same behaviours can be seen as rigid, dogmatic and inflexible.
3 of 7
Process of Change
Actualy doing the thing that you think (e.g. recycling). Doing things bit by bit will mean more people will eventually join you - this is called the snowball effect.
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Drawing Attention
Marches, demonstrations and protests all draw attention to the situation, providing social proof of the problem.
5 of 7
Deeper Processing
When you begin to think wheter what is going on is actually fair or not.
6 of 7
Social Cryptomesia
When you forget how the change actually came happened but remember how it came about.
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Card 2


Engaging in activities and demonstrations to draw attention. Can be as extream to the point of death or serious health risk.



Card 3


Negotiating and counter-arguing to strike a balance between consistency and flexibility. Repeating the same behaviours can be seen as rigid, dogmatic and inflexible.


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Card 4


Actualy doing the thing that you think (e.g. recycling). Doing things bit by bit will mean more people will eventually join you - this is called the snowball effect.


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Card 5


Marches, demonstrations and protests all draw attention to the situation, providing social proof of the problem.


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