Cymraeg: Problems in my area flashcards

Set of cards for learning vocabulary regarding problems in my area

Mae trosedd yn broblem fawr-llawer o ddwyn
Crime is a major problem-a lot of theft
1 of 10
Mae llawer o fandaliaeth
There is a lot of vandalism
2 of 10
Ar y penwythnos mae llawer o ymladd yn y dref ac mae'r ysbyty yn llawn o bobl wedi meddwi
At the weekend there are a lot of fights and the hospital is full of drunk people
3 of 10
Does dim digon o waith i bobl- mae llawer yn symud i ffwrdd
There's not enough work for people-many are moving away
4 of 10
Mae llawer o sbwriel ar y strydoedd
There's a lot of rubbish on the pavement
5 of 10
Mae nifer o bobl yn cymryd cuffuriau
Many people take drugs
6 of 10
Dim clybiau
No clubs
7 of 10
Mae llawer o bobl ifanc yn gor-yfed
Many young people drink excessively
8 of 10
Does dim digon o heddlu o gwmpas
There are not enough police around
9 of 10
Does dim digon i bobl ifanc i wneud- mae diffyg cyfleusterau yma ac mae pawb yn diflasu
Not enough for young people to do-there is a lack of facilities here and everyone is bored
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


There is a lot of vandalism


Mae llawer o fandaliaeth

Card 3


At the weekend there are a lot of fights and the hospital is full of drunk people


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


There's not enough work for people-many are moving away


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


There's a lot of rubbish on the pavement


Preview of the back of card 5
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