Critical Thinking Flaws

Flaws and their explainations

  • Created by: Carly B
  • Created on: 17-04-13 11:07
Slippery Slope
Argues that a small event will lead to an extreme result, the link between the first event and final result is weak
1 of 17
Circular Arguments
connclusion repeats one of the reasons
2 of 17
Circular Arguments (Begging the question)
you have to accept the conclusion before you can accept the reasons (and vice versa)
3 of 17
taking two different things as if they are the same when they may not be (e.g. older or mature)
4 of 17
Confusing necessary and sufficient conditions
necessary condition must be true for an event to happen but sufficient condition is enough for an event to happen
5 of 17
Arguing from one to another, unrelated conclusion
The reasons argue something different to the conclusion
6 of 17
Straw Man/Person
creating a caricature (weak form) of the counter-argument and easily dismissing it, and then claiming to have dismissed the whole counter-argument
7 of 17
Ad Hominem
an attack on the person rather than the reasoning
8 of 17
False Dichotomy
restricting the options to just two possibilities only
9 of 17
Post Hoc
Argues that A caused B because B came after A
10 of 17
Hasty Generalization
using a claim about a few things/people to generalize a lot of things/people
11 of 17
Sweeping Generalizations
using a claim about a lot of things/people to generalize about a few
12 of 17
Appeal to authority
Using an authority figure to support the reasoning
13 of 17
Appeal to popularity (ad populum)
The majority of people believe X is true, but that does not mean the majority is correct
14 of 17
Appeal to emotion
An argument based upon emotion without reason
15 of 17
Appeal to tradion
Because we have always done something in this particular way, does not make it correct
16 of 17
Appeal to history
Using evidence from the past to try to predict the future
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


connclusion repeats one of the reasons


Circular Arguments

Card 3


you have to accept the conclusion before you can accept the reasons (and vice versa)


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


taking two different things as if they are the same when they may not be (e.g. older or mature)


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


necessary condition must be true for an event to happen but sufficient condition is enough for an event to happen


Preview of the back of card 5
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