Cribbs Causeway - Out of town shopping centre

When did The Mall at Cribbs Causeway open?
1 of 18
How far outside Bristol is it?
10 miles (north)
2 of 18
What junction of what motor way is Cribbs Causeway connected to?
Junction 17 of the M5
3 of 18
How many free carpark spaces are there?
4 of 18
How many bays does the bus and coach park have?
5 of 18
How many counties does the bus service connect Cribbs Causeway too?
6 of 18
What three main parts make up Cribbs Causeway?
The Mall, The Venue and The Retail Park
7 of 18
How many retailers are in the Mall?
8 of 18
How much retail space is in The Mall?
9 of 18
What are the opening times of the mall? why?
9am - 9.30 pm to allow people work during the day to visit in the evening
10 of 18
What services does the venue and the retail park provide?
Hosts entertainment event and large retail space for other type of needs
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What main supermarket is located in The Retail Park?
12 of 18
How many people have visited the mall since it opened?
200 million
13 of 18
What old facilities are on the Cribbs Causeway Site?
two budget hotels attracting people travelling on the motor way
14 of 18
What do future plans want to introduce to Cribbs Causeway?
increase retail space by half the current size, introduce another hotel and a better bus station, as well as some apartments.
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How much more money do developers think the new development could bring in?
£212 million a year
16 of 18
How many councils are opposed to this development?
Two - the decision is going to the government
17 of 18
Why are they opposed to the development?
Increase traffic on the M5 and damage trade in Bristol city centre
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How far outside Bristol is it?


10 miles (north)

Card 3


What junction of what motor way is Cribbs Causeway connected to?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many free carpark spaces are there?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How many bays does the bus and coach park have?


Preview of the front of card 5
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