Computer Systems

  • Created by: kreselle
  • Created on: 02-06-21 10:27

1. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. SRAM is used in cache and is faster than DRAM.

B. Read operations on RAM and ROM are not controlled by a clock.

C. SRAM and DRAM do not need power to maintain data.

D. The width of a word could vary

  • B
  • C
  • C
  • A
1 of 12

Other questions in this quiz

2. Why does the Hack machine have separate A and C instructions?

  • Because the A-register cannot be accessed by any other sort of instruction.
  • Because there are not enough possible C instructions.
  • Because there are not enough bits in a C instruction to allow direct access to the addresses in memory.
  • Because it saves confusion

3. Consider the following diagram for a DMUX


where the unselected output wires are set to zero. Would a dmux still be a useful chip if these values were always set to 1? Explain your answer.

  • No. It would render the dmux useless because all of the rest of the machine would be expecting a zero in this place rather than a one and there is nothing we could do to fix it.
  • Yes. It doesn't matter what is on these inputs.
  • Yes. You might have to invert this signal or change the expected interpretation of this signal.
  • No. The ones make the output of the dmux unpredictable.

4. Two DFFs are directly connected as shown in the following schematic. Consider the input signal 'in' in the following three clock cycles. What is the value of 'out' in clock cycle 3?

  • 1
  • 0
  • Unknown Value

5. Choose the best answer below.

Is there a limit on the number of ways to express a Nand chip in terms of other chips?

  • No. Nand is made of two transistors and there are infinitely many ways to build transistors.
  • Yes. Because Nands can only be built directly from transistors
  • No. Nand is made of two transistors and there are infinitely many ways to build transistors.
  • Yes. Because there is a limited variety of other gates.


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