Communication and Culture Key Terms

Cultural Practice
Things people do in everyday life – such as greeting each other. For example; washing hands before eating and ‘bless you’.
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Cultural Product
The things that we encounter in our daily lives. For example; places and artefacts.
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Elite Culture
The style and kind of living of the modern urban rich people who live according to modern western culture adopted from west. For example; opera, symphony orchestras, ballet and dance.
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Popular Culture
The products and practices of everyday life as practised and valued by ordinary people. For example; Hip Hop, Rock music, Mc Donald’s, Nike, Starbucks.
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Youth Culture
The way adolescents live, and the norms, values, and practices. For example; hairstyles, behaviour and language usage.
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Meanings and Practices of Everyday Life (MPEL)
The codes and conventions that govern the way we live our lives. For example; schedules, laws, language.
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Body movements and gestures regarded as a form of non-verbal communication.
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Non-verbal Communication
Communication without the use of spoken language. Nonverbal communication includes gestures, facial expressions, and body positions.
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The branch of knowledge that deals with the amount of space that people feel it necessary to set between themselves and others.
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An idea of the self-constructed from the beliefs one holds about oneself and the responses of others. For example; fat, ugly, small.
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Uses & Gratifications Theory
Uses and gratifications theory is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs. For example; relationships, identity, entertainment and information.
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The action of securing something to a base or the state of being secured. For example; when a ship is anchored to the seabed.
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The abstract meaning or intension of a term, which forms a principle determining which objects or concepts it applies to. For example; that the connotation of a rose is love.
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The dictionary meaning of a word. For example; the literal meaning of an eye is that it is something you use to see.
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Convert a message into intelligible language. For example; when a spy has to decode a message.
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: The production of a message in communication. It is a system of coded meanings, and in order to create that, the sender needs to understand how the world is comprehensible to the members of the audience
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A person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration. For example; the symbol of the different religions.
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A channel or system of communication. For example; the means by which information is transmitted between a speaker and a writer.
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Open & Closed Texts
An open text is a text that allows multiple or mediated interpretation by the readers. In contrast, a closed text leads the reader to one intended interpretation.
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An object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.
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A thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract.
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Signifier (Saussure)
The signifier is the physical form of the sign; for example, a written or spoken word or a photograph.
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Signified (Saussure)
The signified is the mental concept triggered by the signifier. When you see the signifier HORSE you think of a horse.
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A chain of signs, a unique combination of sign choices. Units may be visual, verbal or musical. The scale of the units and syntagms may range from the very large to the very small
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When a person verbalizes one thing but their body language does another.
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A person's manner of walking.
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The position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting or lying down.
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Dress Codes
Set of rules specifying the type of clothing to be worn by a group or by people under specific circumstances.
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The way you stand in relation to the listener.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The things that we encounter in our daily lives. For example; places and artefacts.


Cultural Product

Card 3


The style and kind of living of the modern urban rich people who live according to modern western culture adopted from west. For example; opera, symphony orchestras, ballet and dance.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The products and practices of everyday life as practised and valued by ordinary people. For example; Hip Hop, Rock music, Mc Donald’s, Nike, Starbucks.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


The way adolescents live, and the norms, values, and practices. For example; hairstyles, behaviour and language usage.


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