British Depth Study- Liberal Reforms

Brief Questions on Liberal Reforms 1906-1914

  • Created by: ruqaiyah
  • Created on: 08-06-12 15:19

1. What is the franchise?

  • Distribution of wealth
  • A chain of fast foods
  • The voting system
  • Political issues
1 of 5

Other questions in this quiz

2. What were the two main political parties in Britain?

  • Conservatives & Labour
  • Conservatives & liberals.
  • Labour & Liberal
  • Labour

3. Who wrote 'Life and labour of people in London'

  • Seebohm Rownntree
  • Charles Booth
  • Lloyd George
  • Winston Churchill

4. Which of these was not a Reform?

  • Free schools Meal Act
  • Factory Rights Act
  • National Insurance Act 2
  • Children's Act

5. Who became Chancellor of Exchequer in 1908?

  • Charles Booth
  • Terry Harrison
  • David Lloyd George
  • Winston Churchill


Former Member


Question number 2 is incorrect. The main political parties were the Conservatives and the liberals. Otherwise good quiz :)

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