History- British Depth study, Liberal Reforms 1906-1914

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  • History- British Depth study, Liberal Reforms 1906-1914
    • 1901
      • Seebohm Rowntree found that in society those who didn't work  didn't eat. There were 3 times in peoples lives when they were vulnerable
        • As a child, when they were old, when they were sick or unemployed.
    • 1906
      • Liberal Government introduced reforms to help these 3 groups
      • Local Authorites were allowed to provide FREE school meals
      • The trade disputes act ruled that UNIONS were NOT LIABLE for DAMAGES because of STRIKES
    • 1907
      • School Medical Inspections, as parents couldn't afford for their children to have proper medical check-ups and treatment
    • 1908
      • 8 hour day for miners
      • The children and Young Persons act/ childrens charter
        • Severe punishment for neglecting and treating children cruelly.
        • It was made illegal to sell cigarettes to children or to send them out begging.
        • Separate Juvenile courts were set up which sent children convicted of crime to borstal, not prison
        • Pensions were introduced for the OVER 70'S. Gave them 5s a WEEK or 7s 6d to a MARRIED COUPLE
    • 1909
      • LABOUR EXCHANGES set up for the unemployedto find work.
    • 1910
      • half -day a week for shopworkers
      • Strikes
      • Growth of Trade Unionism
    • 1911
        • PART 1: gave people the right to FREE MEDICAL TREATMENT
          • SICK PAY of  10s a WEEK for 26 WEEKS in return for 4d a WEEK.
        • PART 2: gave people the right to unemploy- ment pay. (dole)
          • Of 7s 6d a WEEK for 15 WEEKS,  in return for 2 1/2 d a WEEK.


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