Bone anatomy

  • Created by: Kai88
  • Created on: 18-03-23 12:47

1. provides support, stores minerals, site of hematopoiesis, stores energy as fat, maintains blood calcium homeostasis

  • functions of the endocrine system
  • functions of the nervous system
  • functions of bones
  • functions of the body
1 of 20

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2. the space inside the diaphysis

  • central canal
  • medulla
  • medullary cavity
  • osteon

3. the act of breaking down and rebuilding bone

  • endochrondal ossification
  • bone remodeling
  • mineral digestion
  • resorption

4. the name of the bone cells that secrete a matrix in bones and enzymes that attract minerals to build or add bone tissue

  • osteoblast
  • osteon
  • osteoclast
  • osteocyte

5. the shape classification of bones that are roughly cubed shape

  • short bones
  • flat bones
  • sesamoid bones
  • irregular bones


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