Behaviour- Conditional Learning

  • Created by: freya_bc
  • Created on: 22-02-18 15:28
Rescorla-Wagner equation
change in strength= CS salience (US size - sum of how much US is predicted)
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Ross and Holland, (1981)
L and T- food, t on own- nothing, noticed that auditory and visual stim elicit dif behaviours in rat- auditory- headjerk, visual- rearing- so when tone signalled nothing rearing to light, when light nothing head jerking to tone- consistent with RW
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Holland (1989)
two animal groups FP light>tone>food, tone>no food, PP light>t>f t>nf l>nf light food assoc responsible for discrim in group FP then PP should not show any discrim- positive patterning discrim
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light is still controlling response to tone despite not assoc with anything- standard assoc theory cannot explain- conditional cue/modulator/facilitator/occasion setter
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Holland and Lamarre, (1984)
SIM l&t> nothing, t>shock, SER L>t>nothing t>shock - both groups less fear when L present- Pav inhib light nhibit shock- opposite excitation
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Holland and Lamarre, (1984) ....
SIM l&T>n, t> shock or noise>shock test noise vs noise light- light inhib will suppress conditioning to noise. SER- light not conditioned inhib- lights effect on tone not assoc does not affect fear to noise
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Rescorla, (1985)
light with food positive occasion setters lowers US activation threshold tf easier for CS to activate
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Holland (1983)
"and gate theory" light between tone and food- light acts as an and-gate allow acti to flow from CS(t) to US (food) and so elicit CR
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Holland, (1986) Rescorla (1985)
l>t>f, t>no food, click>food, test L>t or L>click? Rescorla predicts light should turn off the noiseshock just as well as the toneshock association Holland says it should have no effect at all
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SER L>t>nothing t>shcok noise>shock, TEST L>t, l>n, rescrola wrong- light has no effect on noise- shock assoc
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Bouton and Nelson, (1998)
RW extinction erases assoc strenght but spontaneous recovery t>food, t>nothing no CR but if test tone some CR returns- suggest extinction produces inhib assoc that counteracts excit assoc
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l>t>food, t>nothing- when tone paired with food increase assoc strenght, tone with nothing decreases- both excit and inhib links with US maybe light inhib the inhib link
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Card 2


Ross and Holland, (1981)


L and T- food, t on own- nothing, noticed that auditory and visual stim elicit dif behaviours in rat- auditory- headjerk, visual- rearing- so when tone signalled nothing rearing to light, when light nothing head jerking to tone- consistent with RW

Card 3


Holland (1989)


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Card 5


Holland and Lamarre, (1984)


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