Learning theory

  • Created by: Katalan
  • Created on: 23-01-18 19:52

Ivan Pavlov

  • Anatomist, original interest in dog's digestive system 
  • Looked at how much dog's salivate when the see food 
  • 1. before conditioning 
  • - food (UCS) = salivate (UCR)
  • 2. before conditioning
  • - tuning fork (NS) = no salivation (UCR)
  • 3. during conditioning 
  • - tuning fork (NS) + food = salivate (UCR)
  • 4. after conditioning 
  • - tuning fork (CS) = salivate (CR) 
  • == classical conditioning (learning through association) 

John B. Watson  

  • Radical Behaviourism was his central idea 
  • Demonstrated that human emotional responses can be manipulated using classical conditioning, most famous for 'Little Albert'
  • Albert initially displayed no fear of lab rats, but produced a fear response to a loud bang
  • Albert reached for rat as the noise sounded, distressing and scaring him 
  • After few repetitions, Albert learnt to fear rat as associated it with feelings of fear, showing how a child can learn an emotional response 
  • Fear of white rats was generalised to other similar stimuli 

B.F Skinner 

  • Worked with animals, extend Watson's philosophy to include inner states eg. thoughts and feelings, rejected personality as a cause for behaviour
  • Believed we don't know the real cause of behaviour, in terms of what environmental stimuli triggers specific behaviour 
  • Behaviour = consequences = likelihood of behaviour being increased/decreased
  • == operant conditioning (learning through consequences)
  • Operant conditioning operates via positive or


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