B4 Homeostasis Revision 21st Century Science

A quiz on B4 for GCSE 21st Century Science biology revision- Homeostasis

What does Homeostasis mean?
Maintaining a constant internal environment
1 of 32
Our body tries to maintain our core body temperature at...
37 degrees centigrade
2 of 32
Both _____ and ______ can affect our body and water content
Strenous exercise and living in a hot/cold environment
3 of 32
Maintaining a constant internal envrionment:
Receptors->Processing centre-> Effectors
4 of 32
What does a receptor do?
detect when things change like temperature
5 of 32
What does the processing centre do?
Receives information and then it coordinates our response
6 of 32
What do effectors do?
produce a response to ensure our (e.g.) temp stays at 37 degrees C
7 of 32
What is negative feedback?
Ensures in any control system that any changes are reversed and returned to the set level
8 of 32
What does negative feedback control?
Body temperature, blood oxygen levels and salt levels
9 of 32
What do the kidneys filter out from the blood?
Water, salts, glucose and urea
10 of 32
What do the kidneys then put back into the blood?
All the glucose and as much salt and water as needed
11 of 32
Urine is temporarily stored in the ________
12 of 32
Urine is made up of .........
Urea, some water and some salts
13 of 32
The urine concentration changes depending on the....
External temperature, exercise levels and intakes of fluids and salts
14 of 32
Water is lost in....
Urine, breathing out, faeces and sweat
15 of 32
The thermoregulatory centre is in the....
16 of 32
Why does this happen? (referring to last question)
Because the body works to maintain its core temperature
17 of 32
The ____ creates the hormone insulin which causes glucose to move from the blood, into the cells
18 of 32
When the blood glucose is too high______
More insulin is released
19 of 32
Enzymes are imprtant because _________
They speed up the chemical reactions that keep cells alive and make them do their job
20 of 32
In a plant leaf, the _______ moves from the air spaces between the mesophyll cells to the chloroplast
Carbon dioxide
21 of 32
When the concentration is the same on both sides, the system is in _______
22 of 32
If the temperature gets too high, the enzyme is denatured, and it _______
Stops working
23 of 32
A specific molecules binds to the enzyme in the _____ _______ and then the reaction occurs
Active site
24 of 32
Active transport is when ......
Dissolved molecules move across a cell membrane from an area of lower concentration, to a higher concentration
25 of 32
In acitve transport, the particles move ____ the concentration graident, and therefore require an input of energy from the cell
26 of 32
Active transport takes place in humans during the _______ of food in the _____ intestine
Digestion small
27 of 32
What is the hypothalamus?
The processing centre in the brain that controls the body temperature
28 of 32
______ impulses are sent by the hypothalamus to the skin which increase/ decrease heat loss from the body's surface
29 of 32
When the blood vessels supplying blood to the skin swell/dilate, it is called
30 of 32
Vasodilation and vasoconstriction are controlled by singals along nerves from the ______
31 of 32
The kidneys are around __.5cm long in the abdominal cavity (just below the ribcage), one on either side of the spine
32 of 32

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Our body tries to maintain our core body temperature at...


37 degrees centigrade

Card 3


Both _____ and ______ can affect our body and water content


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Maintaining a constant internal envrionment:


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does a receptor do?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


Chloe Austin


Very helpful :) Thankyou

Kiki Singh


long but very very helpful! 80% :D 



very helpful :D



a marathon quiz, but really useful. would be even better if you could see the correct answers afterwards :)



This is a popular and useful set of flashcards on homeostasis which would be useful for any biology students studying this topic. There are 32 cards in the set which can be printed off when you want to do a self-test. 



32 is wrong osmosis is when it moves from a concentrated area to a dilute one.

Skye R


no, 32 is correct, water moves from area of high water potential(dilute) to low water potential (concentrated solution) 

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