AS Level Health & Social Care: Promoting Quality Care

  • Created by: Sarah
  • Created on: 11-05-13 11:43
What is meant by the term 'socialisation'?
The process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, attitudes, values, behaviour and social skills appropriate to his or her social position.
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What is meant by the term 'primary socialisation'?
The norms and values learnt from either families/parents/siblings/relatives/primary caregivers. This process begins from the start of early life.
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What is meant by the term 'secondary socialisation'?
This process starts when a child comes into contact with people outside their immediate faimly.
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What is meant by the term 'prejudice'?
Prejudice is defined as 'making a decision about a person without knowing anything about them.' This includes judging them on particular characteristics such as clothing, looks, accent, religious beliefs etc.
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What is meant by the term 'stereotypes'?
Stereotypes are simplified or generalised images or ideas. They stamp a fixed view on a person/group based on certain charactersitics.
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Card 2


The norms and values learnt from either families/parents/siblings/relatives/primary caregivers. This process begins from the start of early life.


What is meant by the term 'primary socialisation'?

Card 3


This process starts when a child comes into contact with people outside their immediate faimly.


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Card 4


Prejudice is defined as 'making a decision about a person without knowing anything about them.' This includes judging them on particular characteristics such as clothing, looks, accent, religious beliefs etc.


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Card 5


Stereotypes are simplified or generalised images or ideas. They stamp a fixed view on a person/group based on certain charactersitics.


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