Anatomy and Physiology- Respiratory System

  • Created by: AliceTori
  • Created on: 08-05-17 18:37
How does air enter the lungs?
A mixture of gases is drawn in through the nose, through the pharynx, onto the larynx, down the trachea, into the left and right bronchus, into the bronchi, into the bronchioles and then into the alveoli
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Breathing rate
the number of breaths you take in one minute
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Structure of Alveoli
One cell thick walls so has short diffusion pathway, Extensive capillary network surrounding the alveoli, Large surface area for greater uptake and diffusion of gases
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During inspiration at rest, which muscles contract?
the external intercostal muscles and the diaphragm contract which increases in volume of the thoracic cavity, reducing the pressure in the lungs to draw air in
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During inspiration during exercise, which muscles contract?
diaphragm, external intercostals, sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, pectoralis major
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During expiration at rest, which muscles relax?
it is a passive process of the diaphragm and the external intercostals relaxing
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During expiration during exercise, which muscles contract?
the internal intercostals, the abdominals
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Tidal volume
volume of air breathed in or out in a normal breath
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Minute ventilation
volume of air breathed in or out in one minute
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Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
volume of air that can be forcibly inspired after a normal breath
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Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
volume of air that can be forcibly expired after a normal breath
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Reserve volume
the amount of air that remains in the lungs after maximal exhalation/expiration
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Vital capacity
the maximum volume of air that can be forcibly expired after maximal inspiration
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Total lung capacity
volume of air in the lungs after maximal inspiration
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a device that is used to measure the volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs
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During exercise...
tidal volume increases, IRV decreases, ERV slightly decreases, residual volume remains the same and minute ventilation greatly increases
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Minute ventilation changes during different types of exercise
the more demanding the physocal exercise, the more breathing increases to meet the oxygen demand of the muscles
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Average breathing rate at rest is...
about 10-12 breaths per minute
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Average tidal volume at rest is...
about 0.5l or 500ml
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Average minute ventilation volume is...
about 5-6 litres
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Average inspiratory reserve volume is...
about 3 litres
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Average expiratory reserve volume is...
about 1 litre
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Average residual volume is...
about 1 litre
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Average vital capacity volume is...
about 5 litres
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Average total lung capacity volume is...
about 6 litres
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Gaseous exchange
the movement of oxygen from the air into the blood, and carbon dioxide from the blood into the air
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Diffusion is...
the movement of gas molecules from an area of high concentration or partial pressure to an area of low concentration or partial pressure.
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Partial pressure
the pressure exerted by an individual gas when it exists within a mixture of gases
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Gaseous exchange is concerned with:
1: Getting oxygen in air into the lungs so that it can diffuse into the blood and be transported around the body; 2:the removal of carbon dioxide from the blood
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Gaseous exchange in the alveoli
The partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli is higher than the partial pressure of oxygen in the capillary blood vessels that surround them
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Gaseous exchange in the alveoli continued
ppO2 is lower in the capillaries because the oxygen has been removed by the working muscles resulting in a lower concentration in the blood
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Gaseous exchange in the alveoli continued
the difference in partial pressure is known as the concentration/diffusion gradient and the bigger the gradient, the faster the rate of diffusion
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Oxygen will diffuse until...
the pressure in both the blood and the alveoli is the same
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Concentration/diffusion gradient
often referred to as the concentration gradient. It explains how gases flow from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. The steeper the gradient (the difference between concentrations) the faster diffusion occurs
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Diffusion pathway of oxygen is...
alveoli --> blood --> muscles
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Diffusion pathway of carbon dioxide is...
muscles --> blood --> alveoli
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Gaseous exchange of carbon dioxide in the alveoli:
it occurs in the same way as oxygen but the opposite way round. the ppCO2 is higher in the blood than in the alveoli so it diffuses down the concentration gradient
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Carbon dioxide will diffuse until...
the pressure in both the blood and the alveoli is the same
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Gaseous exchange at the muscles of oxygen:
ppO2 of oxygen is lower in the muscles and the capillary membranes so this allows the oxygen from the high concentration in the blood to diffuse down the concentration gradient into the muscle until equilibrium is reached
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Gaseous exchange at the muscles of carbon dioxide:
ppCO2 is higher in the muscles than it is in the blood so the CO2 diffuses down the concentration gradient from the muscles into the capillaries to the transported back to the lungs
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Three factors that are involved in the regulation of breathing during exercise are:
neural control; chemical control; hormonal control
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Neural and chemical regulation of pulmonary ventilation (breathing)
neural control involves the brain and nervous system; chemical control is concerned with blood acidity. Therefore when blood acidity is high, the brain is informed before it sends an impulse through the nervous system to increase breathing rate.
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The nervous system is controlled by:
two systems; sympathetic and parasympathetic
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The sympathetic nervous system...
prepares your body for exercise so it increases breathing rate
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The parasympathetic nervous system...
lowers your breathing rate after exercise
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The respiratory control centre (RCC)
located in the medulla oblongata in the brain which controls the rate and depth of breathing by using neural and chemical control
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Increase in CO2 levels...
stimulates RCC to increase respiratory rate, causes an impulse to be sent down the phrenic nerve to the diaphragm and the external intercostals to cause them to contract at a faster rate
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Passive expiration occurs by...
the elastic recoil of the lungs
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During exercise, RCC responds to changes in blood chemistry such as...
an increased concentration of CO2 in the blood and an increase in the amount of lactic acid being produced which increases the overall acidity of the blood
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they detect the changes in blood acidity by detecting changes in the carotid artery and the aortic arch and then send an impulse to the RCC to increase ventilation
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sensory receptors found in muscles and joints that provide information to the central nervous system about position and movement- provides feedback to the RCC to increase breathing during exercise
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detect a decrease in blood pressure in the carotid artery and the aortic arch to send an impulse to the RCC which sends an impulse to increase breathing rate
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Stretch receptors
the stretch on the lungs is greater during exercise and these prevent over-inflation of the lungs by sending an impulse to the RCC and then down the intercostal nerve to engage the expiratory muscles to ensure that expiration occurs
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Order of chemical/neural control for inspiration is:
receptors--> medulla --> phrenic nerve --> diaphragm and external intercostals
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Order of chemical/neural control for expiration is:
receptors --> medulla --> intercostal nerve --> abdominals and internal intercostals
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Hormonal regulation of breathing rate
Adrenaline is a stimulant produced in the adrenal gland. It is released in response to exercise as just before we exercise an impulse is sent from the brain to the renal glands which stimulates the release of adrenaline
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Release of adrenaline
prepares the body for an increased need for oxygen and the greater removal of carbon dioxide
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Impacts of smoking
causes irritation of the trachea and bronchi
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Impacts of smoking
reduces lung function and increases breathlessness caused by the swelling and narrowing of the lungs' airways
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Cigarette smoke damages...
the cells lining the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles. If these cells are damaged then the cilia on these cells are also damaged so mucus cannot be effectively removed resulting in mucus build up in the lungs
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Smoking can damage...
the alveoli as their walls break down and join together which reduces the surface area within the lungs
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COPD, what is it?
a chronic and debilitating disease and is the name for a collection of diseases such as emphysema. The main cause of emphysema is smoking and is a long-term, progressive disease of the lungs that causes shortness of breath
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Smoking also effects...
oxygen transport as the carbon monoxide from the cigarette combines with the haemoglobin in red blood cells which reduces the oxygen- carrying capacity of the blood which increases breathlessness during exercise
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


the number of breaths you take in one minute


Breathing rate

Card 3


One cell thick walls so has short diffusion pathway, Extensive capillary network surrounding the alveoli, Large surface area for greater uptake and diffusion of gases


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Card 4


the external intercostal muscles and the diaphragm contract which increases in volume of the thoracic cavity, reducing the pressure in the lungs to draw air in


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Card 5


diaphragm, external intercostals, sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, pectoralis major


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